

Best Answer

1) they had no food to survive off of

2) they said they were going to be okay but were actually lied to

3) the were stuck in a small place with extreme heat

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Q: What happens to the deportees in the night?
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What happens in the cementry at night?

Cemetery good night

What happens to the stored food in a plant at night?


What happens when you see a black figure normally at night?

A mouse

Does a lunar eclipse happen during night?

They happen in space, on the Moon - but since it only happens at the full moon, you will only be able to see one during the night.

What is the country name which have six month day and six month night?

NO COUNTRY has six-month day and six-month night. That only happens at the north and south poles, and the poles are not part of any country.

Related questions

To what station were the deportees brought in night?

The deportees were brought to various train stations depending on their location and destination, but one notable station was Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland, where a significant number of deportees were sent during the night.

What is left on the train along with the deportees cherished items in the book Night?

In the book "Night" by Elie Wiesel, the deportees' cherished items are left behind on the train along with their personal belongings as they are forced to abandon everything before entering the concentration camp.

Why didnt the deportees throw themselves on the guards night?

The deportees likely did not throw themselves on the guards at night because they were likely exhausted, scared, and disoriented from the traumatic experience of being deported. Additionally, they may have feared further violence or repercussions if they were to resist the guards.

What was left on the train along with the deportees cherished items in the book Night?

In the book "Night" by Elie Wiesel, the deportees were forced to leave behind their cherished items on the train, including their personal belongings and valuables. They were allowed to take only the bare essentials with them as they were taken to the concentration camps.

Where are the deportees told the are going in night?

Deportees are usually informed of their destination upon arrival at the deportation center or prior to boarding the deportation flight. The specific location varies depending on the deportee's nationality and the agreements between countries involved in the deportation process.

What are three ways the deportees were abused in the book Night?

In the book Night, deportees were abused through physical violence, forced labor, and dehumanization by the Nazis. They were subjected to harsh living conditions, insufficient food and hygiene, and extreme cruelty at the hands of their captors. Additionally, many were forced to witness the deaths of loved ones and experienced psychological torment.

How does Elie feel as he watches the procession of deportees?

Elie feels a mix of shock, disbelief, and numbness as he watches the procession of deportees. He struggles to process the reality of their situation and grapples with the horror of their impending fate.

What is the duration of Everything Happens at Night?

The duration of Everything Happens at Night is 1.3 hours.

What happens to leaves at night?

Nothing happens to them.

When was Everything Happens at Night created?

Everything Happens at Night was created on 1939-12-22.

What happens to the torch in the night time?

they carry on in the night.

What happens in the cementry at night?

Cemetery good night