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An object appears black because it absorbs all the colors of the visible spectrum. If we idealize the object to make it perfectly absorptive, it absorbs all of the white light that strikes it and reflects none. In the real world, some light is always reflected. If the object appears black or dark gray, then it reflects small amounts of all colors of the spectrum.

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15y ago
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8y ago

All colors of light except red are transmitted through the glass, but the red wavelengths pass through. Therefore someone on the opposite side of the glass sees only red light.

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3mo ago

When white light strikes a colored glass or filter, certain colors or wavelengths are selectively absorbed by the material while others are transmitted through. The transmitted colors are determined by the properties of the material that make up the glass or filter, causing the white light to appear as the color that is not absorbed.

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10y ago

"White light" means a combination of many different waves of light that are propagating together from a single or a number of sources. So when "white light", aka a package of various light waves combined into one, passes through a color filter, then all the light except the color of the filter is absorbed.

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12y ago

Assuming a smooth surface, the components of the white light that were NOT absorbed by the object will be reflected. e.g. a mandarin absorbs most colours from the white light, apart from the orange colours. Bananas absorb most of the colours apart from the Yellowish ones. And so on.

A smooth uncoloured surface will reflect all the light.

A transparent surface will allow much of the light to be transmitted through it.

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11y ago

the black object absorbs most of the light. Theoretically nothing can be truly black because if it were truly black, we could not see it.

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12y ago

it might be reflect or absorb when it hits green color all clores absorbs but green refleccts

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14y ago

other color components of the white light will be absorbed and the blue light component will be reflected, so we see that object displays a blue color

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12y ago

It reflects and scatters.

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7y ago

The opaque object absorbs all the light.

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Q: What happens when white light strikes a colored glass or filter?
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What happens when light strikes as mooth and shiny colored glass?

When light strikes smooth and shiny colored glass, the light may be reflected, refracted, or absorbed. The smooth surface allows for specular reflection, where the light bounces off the surface at an angle equal to the angle of incidence. The color of the glass will determine which wavelengths of light are absorbed and which are reflected, giving the glass its specific color appearance.

What happen when light strikes a smooth and shiny colored glass?

When light strikes a smooth and shiny colored glass, the glass will reflect the light, so you will see a reflection of the light on the glass surface. The color of the glass will also affect how the light is reflected, making the glass appear colored. The smooth surface of the glass will result in a clear and sharp reflection of the light.

What happens to light when it strikes glass?

When light strikes glass, it may be reflected, transmitted through the glass, or absorbed by the material. The amount of light reflected or transmitted depends on the angle of incidence and the refractive index of the glass. Glass is transparent to visible light, which allows it to transmit light through its surface.

What happens to light energy when it strikes a clear glass window?

When light energy strikes a clear glass window, some of it is transmitted through the glass, allowing you to see through the window. Some of the light is reflected off the surface of the glass, and a small amount is absorbed by the glass and converted into heat.

What happens when light strikes a transparent body like glass?

When light strikes a transparent body like glass, it can either be transmitted (pass through the glass), reflected (bounce off the surface of the glass), or refracted (bent as it passes through the glass). The amount of light that is transmitted, reflected, and refracted depends on the angle of incidence and the properties of the glass.

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What happens when light strikes a smooth shiny colored glass?

.Most of it is absorbed.none is reflected

What happens when light strikes as mooth and shiny colored glass?

When light strikes smooth and shiny colored glass, the light may be reflected, refracted, or absorbed. The smooth surface allows for specular reflection, where the light bounces off the surface at an angle equal to the angle of incidence. The color of the glass will determine which wavelengths of light are absorbed and which are reflected, giving the glass its specific color appearance.

What happen when light strikes a smooth and shiny colored glass?

When light strikes a smooth and shiny colored glass, the glass will reflect the light, so you will see a reflection of the light on the glass surface. The color of the glass will also affect how the light is reflected, making the glass appear colored. The smooth surface of the glass will result in a clear and sharp reflection of the light.

What happens to light when it strikes glass?

When light strikes glass, it may be reflected, transmitted through the glass, or absorbed by the material. The amount of light reflected or transmitted depends on the angle of incidence and the refractive index of the glass. Glass is transparent to visible light, which allows it to transmit light through its surface.

What happens to light when it strikes clear glass?

When light strikes clear glass, most of it is transmitted through the material, allowing you to see through the glass. Some light is also reflected off the surface of the glass. The amount of light that is transmitted versus reflected depends on the angle of incidence and the refractive index of the glass.

What happens to light energy when it strikes a clear glass window?

When light energy strikes a clear glass window, some of it is transmitted through the glass, allowing you to see through the window. Some of the light is reflected off the surface of the glass, and a small amount is absorbed by the glass and converted into heat.

What is Stain glass potash?

This is a colored glass.

What happens when light strikes a transparent body like glass?

When light strikes a transparent body like glass, it can either be transmitted (pass through the glass), reflected (bounce off the surface of the glass), or refracted (bent as it passes through the glass). The amount of light that is transmitted, reflected, and refracted depends on the angle of incidence and the properties of the glass.

What is small pieces of colored glass called?

Small pieces of colored glass are called "mosaic tiles."

What is a coke glass made of?

A Coke glass is made out of colored glass.

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What is colored glass held together with strips of lead?

Stained glass.