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light can do one of 4 things. it can, a] bounce off of an object, b] get absorbed, or c] be dispersed. this happens when white light goes through a prism, and comes out as all colors of the visible spectrum, ROYGBIV. [red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet] and refract d]

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13y ago
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3mo ago

When light waves strike an object, they can be reflected, absorbed, or transmitted through the object. The behavior of the light waves depends on the properties of the object, such as its material and surface characteristics.

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10y ago

When light strikes matter, there are three possible means of interaction depending on whether the object is rough, smooth, opaque, translucent or transparent. Light will get transmitted or absorbed or reflected accordingly.

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10y ago

The object (or substance) may transmit the light, may reflect all or part of it,

may absorb all or part of it, or combinations of these effects.

If some of the light is transmitted (sails right on through), and IF the speed

of light in the object or substance is not the same as the speed of light was

where it came from, and IF the light hits the object or substance from a

direction that's not perpendicular to the boundary, then the direction of the

light will change.

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8y ago

It will usually do 3 things:

  • impart some of its energy to the object,
  • travel through the object (even with "opaque" objects, light does enter but it is dispersed and absorbed before traversing any significant distance so that it appears as if it never entered),
  • be reflected by the object.
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8y ago

The light waves can be reflected, absorbed, they can pass the object or be refracted.,

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12y ago

It will be reflected back by the object, however the object will absorb some of the color.

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8y ago

Some light is reflected and the rest is transmitted through the object. In the course of the transmission some may be absorbed.

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15y ago

absorb, reflect or transmit

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14y ago

it absorbs, reflects, and refracts

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Q: What happens to light waves when it strikes an object?
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What happens to light when its strikes an object?

The light waves can be reflected, absorbed, they can pass the object or be refracted.,

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When light waves strikes a red object what happens to the light wave of all colors except red?

Basically three things can happen to light as it strikes an object. It can be reflected, absorbed, or it can pass through. For simplicity, assume the object is not transparent; in that case, any light that is not reflected is absorbed.

What is the light that strikes a reflecting or refracting material called?

Light. Quantum particles impeding on an object. Electromagnetic waves striking an object.

Could you test the sound of light hitting an object?

light waves have no mass so when it strikes an object it causes no vibration and therefore no sound

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When light waves strike a blue object, the object absorbs most of the colors in the light spectrum except for blue. Blue light waves are reflected off the object, giving it its blue color.

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bounces off a surface at an equal angle to the incident angle. This process can result in a change in the direction of the light.

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The bending of a wave as it moves from one medium into another is called refraction.

When light waves strike a red object what happens to the light waves of all colors except red?

When light waves strike a red object, the object absorbs all colors except red. The red wavelengths are reflected off the object and into our eyes, which is why we perceive the object as red. This absorption and reflection process is what gives objects their color.

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A superior mirage happens when an image (mirage) of an object appears above the actual object. This happens due to the bending of light waves.

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As an object moves away from you, the wavelength of light appears to lengthen, known as redshift. This is a result of the Doppler effect, where the motion of the object causes the light waves to stretch out. The further the object moves away, the more stretched out the light waves become.

What occurs when a wave strikes an object or surface and bounces?

Waves bouncing off an object is called reflection.