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During the Valsalva maneuver, intrapulmonary pressure increases due to compressing the air inside the lungs while intrapleural pressure also increases due to the forced expiration against a closed glottis. This can lead to a decrease in venous return to the heart and a decrease in cardiac output.

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Q: What happens to intrapulmonary pressure and intrapleural pressure when Val Sava's manever is performed?
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What happens to the intrapulmonary pressure when intrapulmonary volume increases?

When intrapulmonary volume increases, the intrapulmonary pressure decreases. This creates a pressure gradient that allows air to flow from higher pressure outside the lungs to the lower pressure inside the lungs during inspiration.

What happens if intrapleural pressure equal atmospheric pressure?

The intrapleual pressure is always below atmospheric pressure. Because of the connection between the two plurae which is similar to two wet pieces of paper adhered to each other, the negative intrapleural pressure helps to expand the lungs during ventilation. If intrapleural pressure was equal to atmospheric pressure, the lungs would collapse. Such a case is seen in a penetration of the thoracic cavity (pneumothorax), where a puncture in the thoracic cavity, and subsequently the plurae, will result in a collapsed lung.

Why does the lung collapse if intrapleural pressure is not maintain?

Inspiration happens when the pressure inside the lungs is lower than the atmospheric pressure (outside) and air rushes into the lungs. Expiration is when the air inside the lungs is higher than the atmospheric pressure and the air rushes out of the lungs. If the intrapleural pressure (pressure within the pleura of the lungs) isn't maintained then the pressure in the lungs can't differentiate between inspiration and expiration and so the lung collapses.

When intraalveolar pressure exceeds atmospheric pressure what happens?

If intraalveolar pressure exceeds atmospheric pressure, air will flow out of the lungs due to the pressure gradient. This process is known as exhalation or expiration. It allows the lungs to get rid of carbon dioxide and regulate the levels of gases in the body.

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What happens to gas when the pressure is decreased?

The pressure will increase.

What causes air to enter and leave the lungs?

The air inside our lungs moves in and out because of the movement of the diaphragm as well as the ribs and chest cavity. When we breath in our ribs push out and our diaphragm contracts to create a larger cavity inside your lungs. This causes an area of low pressure which therefore forces air down our trachea into our lungs. When we breath out the opposite happens (diaphragm relaxes and ribs pull in) which creates a smaller cavity in our lungs what therefore forces the air out of our lungs once respiration has taken place. It should be noted that during inspiration as the intercostal muscles expand the rib cage and the diaphragm (more important for volume change) moves inferiorly, this creates negative pressure in the thoracic cavity relative to the atmospheric pressure.. consequently due to the pressure gradient, air can move into the lungs via the trachea. The negative pressure that is caused here is the main propellent of air. Whereas expiration, when the diaphragm and intercostal muscles return to resting position, thus restoring pressure to its normal levels is a passive process. The pressure gradient returns to normal and air can be expired. The importance of the negative pressure created by the intrapleural cavity cannot be stressed enough.

What happens to gas pressure when the volume is decreased?

The pressure will increase.

What happens when intraalveolar pressure exceeds atmostpheric pressure?

lung at rest

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The pressure is higher.

When the pressure of a gas increases at constant pressure what happens?

Volume increases