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When an egg is soaked in vinegar, the shell dissolves due to the acidic nature of the vinegar. This process leaves behind the egg's membrane intact, creating a "naked egg" that feels rubbery to the touch and can bounce when dropped.

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Q: What happens to an egg in vinigar?
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Can an egg float in water or in vinigar?

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Does vinigar or nail polish remover make an egg dislove?

yes,it can

What is a pickled egg?

It is a hard boiled egg that has had the shell peeled off put into some vinigar and left to pickle!! yummy hey!! :P

What happens when you mix vinigar and baking sota?

You produce a lot of gas (CO2).

How does vinigar make an eggshell soft?

Vinegar is an acid that reacts with the calcium carbonate in the eggshell, causing it to break down and dissolve. This process creates bubbles of carbon dioxide gas, which weakens the structure of the eggshell and makes it soft.

Why does an egg turn bouncy when soaked in vinigar?

It does not necessarily turn it into rubber, but vinegar does dissolve the shell of the egg leaving the membranes intact, which may seem rubbery but it is simply an egg without a shell.

What is the difference between balsamick vinigar and vinigar?

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How does an egg dissolve in vinigar?

The vinegar reacts with the calcium carbonate in the eggshell, causing it to dissolve. This reaction releases carbon dioxide gas, bubbles can be seen forming on the surface of the egg. Over time, the shell completely dissolves, leaving the egg membrane intact.

Does vinigar have a type of acid?

acetic acid, which also happens to be the smallest possible fatty acid with only 1 carbon in its hydrocarbon chain.

Is vinigar hot or cold?

vinigar is not hot nor cold its like oil xD!! who luvs pie!!! i do!!!!

What happens to an egg when it stays in vinegar?

the egg will gone