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Once the seed is inside a mature gymnosperm cone, the cone usually opens or disintegrates to release the seed. The seed may then be dispersed by wind, animals, or water, allowing for potential germination and the growth of a new gymnosperm plant.

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Q: What happens once the seed is inside a cone of a gymnosperm are mature?
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What is a sticky liquid called that is formed by mature?

Gymnosperm is the sticky liquid formed by a mature female cone.

What is a type of plant that makes seeds inside a cone?

A type of plant that makes seeds inside a cone is a conifer, such as a pine, fir, or spruce tree. Conifers produce cones that contain their seeds, which are released when the cone matures and opens.

Is a gymnosperm a cone?

Yes, gymnosperms are plants that produce seeds that are not enclosed within a fruit. They typically produce cones to house their seeds, which are exposed on the surface of the cone.

What is a gymnosperm with cones which the name means 'cone bearing'?


What is a cone-bearing gymnosperm?

The reproductive structure of a gymnosperm

Is a cone a angiosperm or a gymnosperms?

A pine cone is a gymnosperm.

What is called when pollen is transferred from the male cone to the female cone in gymnosperm?

The transfer of pollen from the male cone to the female cone in gymnosperms is called pollination. This process leads to the fertilization of the ovule and the development of seeds.

What is the reproductive structure of gymnosperm called?

The reproductive structure of a gymnosperm is the cone. The cone produces pollen or sperm cells that will later on fertilize a female plants eggs or anthers

How are gymnosperm seeds protected?

Gymnosperm seeds are protected by being enclosed inside a cone or seed coat. The cone or seed coat provides a physical barrier that helps prevent the seeds from drying out and from being damaged by physical factors. Additionally, some gymnosperm seeds have chemical defenses that deter predators and pathogens.

What type of plant produces the female and male cone?

A gymnosperm

Where do gymnosperm seeds develop?

Gymnosperm seeds develop on the surface of specialized structures called cones. These cones are found on the branches of gymnosperm trees and shrubs, and they protect the seeds until they are mature enough to be dispersed.

What is the seed bearing structure if gymnosperm called?

The seed bearing structure of gymnosperms is called a cone or a strobilus. It contains the reproductive structures where seeds develop and mature. Gymnosperms do not produce flowers or fruit like angiosperms.