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severe reaction, because rh-ve person can't get rh+ve blood.

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If an Rh negative person is exposed to Rh positive blood, their immune system may produce antibodies against the Rh antigen. Upon subsequent exposure to Rh positive blood, these antibodies can attack and destroy the Rh positive red blood cells, leading to a condition called hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) in pregnant women or a transfusion reaction in non-pregnant individuals.

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Q: What happens in the blood of an RH negative who is exposed to RH positive blood?
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What is Rh sensitization?

Rh sensitization is a condition where a person's immune system develops antibodies against Rh-positive red blood cells, typically occurring when an Rh-negative individual is exposed to Rh-positive blood. This immune response can cause complications during future pregnancies if an Rh-negative mother carries an Rh-positive fetus. Rh sensitization can be prevented with the administration of Rh immunoglobulin.

Can an A positive and A negative produce an O negative?

No, an A positive and A negative couple cannot produce an O negative child. In this case, the child would either have A positive or A negative blood type. The O negative blood type can only be produced by parents who both have at least one O allele.

What blood type does a 0 negative and a b positive make?

An O negative parent and a B positive parent can have children with blood types O positive or O negative, as well as B positive or B negative.

O neg and O pos parents what happens to children?

If both parents are O negative and O positive, their children may inherit various blood types depending on their parents' genotype. However, all children will carry at least one O antigen in their blood type. The parents could have children with blood types O negative, O positive, A negative, A positive, B negative, B positive, AB negative, or AB positive.

O negative and B positive give what blood type?

O negative can only be given to individuals with O negative blood type. B positive can be given to individuals with B positive and AB positive blood types.

Related questions

What happens when an o positive man and o positive woman have children?

the child has o negative blood

Is negative blood compatible wiyh positive blood?

Negative blood can be given to someone with positive blood. Positive blood CANNOT be given to someone with negative blood.

What does blood type OE stand for?

There is no blood type OE. There are 8 different blood types, A positive and negative, B positive and negative, O positive and negative, and AB positive and negative.

Can a negative donate blood to A positive?

No, an O Positive person cannot donate to an A Negative person because the person who is Negative, or Rh Negative, will react to the Positive (Rh Positive) blood. Negative can only get Negative, Positive can get Positive or Negative.

What is blood type A positive plus A negative equal?

Blood type A positive plus A negative equals blood type A positive.

What is the difference between positive and negative b blood type?

Human blood has a protein (rH). If you have rH in your blood you have positive blood type, if you are lacking rH you have a negative blood type. Negative blood rejects positive blood because it is lacking the chemical, however positive blood can accept both negative or positive blood.

What happens when husband has Ab negative blood group and wife has A plus blood group?

Nothing happens, also nothing happens to their babies. Because the mother is Rhesus positive she won't make antibody's against the baby's blood. The only danger is when a Rh negative mother gives birth to a Rh positive child. RV

What happens when blood group of father is O positive and mother is B negative of an unborn child?

The child may have either O or B blood type, assuming that the mother has a recessive allele for O blood type. A child of parents with both positive and negative Rh factor may have either. So, the child could have O positive, O negative, B positive, or B negative blood types.

Is blood pressure negative or positive feedback?

Is the clotting of blood an example of positive or negative feedback?

Why would an Rh negative mother and an Rh positive father have difficulties with the birth of their second child?

When the father is Rh positive, it is possible that the child will also be Rh positive. Or, if the father is homozygous ++ or DD, then all of his children will be Rh positive. When an Rh negative person is exposed to Rh positive blood, in this case during birth, they will develop antibodies against the Rh positive blood. This means that if they come in contact with Rh positive blood again, they have antibodies which will attack the Rh positive blood. This is what happens when the mother is Rh negative and the foetus is Rh positive. There usually isn't a problem with the first pregnancy, because the mother might not have been exposed to Rh positive blood before. However, if the second foetus is also Rh positive, the antibodies in the mother's blood will attack the foetus. This ranges in severity, but can cause the death of the foetus. In most cases this is preventable - the mother can receive an injection of anti-RhD immunoglobulin during pregnancy or soon after delivery.

Can you give A positive blood to A negative blood?

No. The Rh Negative blood group is formed by an absence of the Positive factor.

If the mother has B positive blood and the father has O negative what would the child's blood type be?

B positive or negative or, O positive or negative.