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The 2 bulb series circuit , a 3 bulb series circuit will increase resistance and therefore reduce the voltage across the bulb. The current in all points of the circuit will remain the same according to Kirchhoff.

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18h ago

In a series circuit with three different wattage bulbs, the brightness of each bulb will depend on the wattage of the bulb. The bulb with the highest wattage will be the brightest because it consumes more power and emits more light. The other bulbs will be dimmer in comparison.

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12y ago

Assuming the bulbs and the battery are the same, two bulbs connected in series will glow less brightly than one bulb.

The two bulbs will split the voltage in half between them, making the total power, assuming constant resistance, one half. Since the bulbs have a positive temperature coefficient, the actual power will be slightly more than one half, between the two of them, or slightly more than one quarter each.

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13y ago

Assuming the three bulbs have the same rating, then the bulb in parallel with the other two in series would be brighter because it has more voltage across it.

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13y ago

A light bulb is brighter in parallel with any other resistive component

than it is when it's in series with the same component.

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Q: What happens in a series circuit with three different watt bulb's which bulb will brighter?
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What type of circuit is one in which all loads are connected in a single loop-?

That is described as a circuit in series, as opposed to a circuit in parallel, in which there is more than one loop.

A circuit that has 2 objects connected in a single path is a what?

The circuit is a series circuit when two objects are connected in a single path. In a series circuit, the current flows through each object in succession.

When would you use a series and when would you use a parallel circuit?

You would use a series circuit when you want the same current flowing through each component, and you would use a parallel circuit when you want different currents flowing through individual components. Series circuits are better for connecting components with the same voltage requirement, while parallel circuits are ideal for components with different voltage requirements.

What are some different types of electrical circuits?

There are series circuits, parallel circuits, and combination circuits. Series circuits have components connected in a single path, where current flows through each component. Parallel circuits have components connected across multiple paths, allowing current to travel through different branches. Combination circuits are a mix of series and parallel circuits, offering flexibility in designing complex electrical systems.

What happens if the switch is open in a parallel circuit?

If the switch in a parallel circuit is open, it breaks the circuit and interrupts the flow of current for that particular branch. The other branches in the parallel circuit remain unaffected and continue to operate independently.

Related questions

Which type of circuit a series circuit or a parallel circuit would allow the light bulbs to burn brighter?

In a parallel circuit, each light bulb would receive the full voltage of the power source, allowing them to burn brighter compared to a series circuit where the voltage is divided among the bulbs.

If both series and parallel circuits have 1 cell and 3 lamps, which type of circuit would be brighter?

Parallel circuit.

What happens if there is a break in a series circuit?

The series circuit becomes an open circuit because there is no remaining path.

What happens to current in a series circuit?

the current in series will be same..

What type of circuit will produce brighter lights is it series circular direct or parallel?

Parallel connections will draw more current than equivalent lights connected in series, so the parallel configuration will be brighter.

What happens in a series circuit if the resistance is halved?

If you add a second resistor, the resistance of series circuit will increase.

What happens to the current in the series circuit?

current remains same in series while divide itself in parallel circuit

Is a parallel circuit brighter than a series circuit?

Both are same. Only thing it depends upon the incoming voltage. In series ciruity if one bulb fails, the ciruit continuity breaks . In case of paraleel circuit even if one bulb fails the circuit continuity will not get affected

How are series parallel circuits different?

A series is an electric circuit with a single path.A parallel circuit is an electric circuit with multiple paths.

How is a parallel curcuit different from a series curcuit?

a parallel circuit is in lines and a series circuit is one circle

What happens in a series circuit if a light blows?

The circuit current is interrupted and all the lights will go out.

How parallel and series circuit different?

In a series circuit, current has to pass through each part of the circuit. In a parallel circuit, the current has several alternative paths.