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Boy gets the puberty spurt. His height increases. He becomes aggressive. He becomes muscular and manly. His voice changes. The Adam's apple becomes prominent. He gets beard and mustache. axillary and pubic hairs also proliferate. He starts taking interest in opposite sex.

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8mo ago

Under the influence of sex hormones, such as testosterone, several changes occur in a boy's body. These changes include the development of secondary sexual characteristics, such as the growth of facial and body hair, deepening of the voice, and increased muscle mass. Testosterone also stimulates the production of sperm, promotes bone growth, and affects mood and behavior.

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Q: What happens in a boy's body under the influence of sex hormone?
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Which of the body hormones influence circadian rhythms associated with jet lag?

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adrenaline hormone . it is also called as fight or flight hormone. or epinephrine

What happens In hyposecretion of the hormone insulin?

Hyposecretion of insulin leads to higher blood sugar levels because insulin is responsible for moving glucose from the blood into cells for energy. This can result in symptoms of hyperglycemia such as increased thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, and weight loss. Over time, chronic hyperglycemia can lead to complications such as nerve damage, kidney disease, and cardiovascular issues.

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What happens when you go on birth control?

It will tweak you body's hormone balance into a state where you can't get pregnant - if you take them right.

How does a cats body know when to malt?

A gland in the cats' brain realese a hormone that causes the body to lose its hair. This usually happens during the spring.

Does the pituitary gland encompasses hormones that influence growth metabolism reproduction and water balance?

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What hormone is the body's major metabolic hormone?

Thyroid Hormone

What hormone promotes total body growth?

Growth hormone affects the body growth. It is secreted by anterior pituitary.

What does your body need irodine for?

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