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If you palpitate, it means you are experiencing rapid or irregular heartbeats. This can be caused by factors such as stress, caffeine, or heart conditions. It's important to monitor your symptoms and seek medical attention if palpitations persist or are accompanied by other symptoms like chest pain or dizziness.

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Q: What happens if you palpitate?
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Use the word palpitate in a sentence?

The palpitant injury needed medical help.

What is another word for palpitate?

flutter, pound, shiver, tremble, pulse, vibrate, pitpat

What is the meaningfor throbbing?

to beat with increased force or rapidity, as the heart under the influence of emotion or excitement; palpitate.

Can coffee make a person feel dizzy and palpitate?

Please visit my blog. I have a topic about that.

What does mico mean in latin?

"mico" in Latin means: to serve, quiver, shake, palpitate, glitter, gleam, shine, sparkle, flash, be bright

i have transient pain which seems to be inside my body between my pelvis and my lower back. I can palpitate a sore area just above my buttocks and I have pain which radiates down my legs at times.?

“i have transient pain which seems to be inside my body between my pelvis and my lower back. I can palpitate a sore area just above my buttocks and I have pain which radiates down my legs at times.”

Is a stethoscope used during palpation?

Unlikely. Palpitate basically means poke and prod and pinch. It's used to feel for lumps and bumps, and to determine what's sore.

How do palpitations affect sport?

if something palpitates on you...for example you are having the sport volleyball,and your hands palpitate or something happened somewhere in your will lose focus and you will be hurt by the palpitations..

Can you feel the egg in the chickens stomach?

No You can however palpitate an egg once it reaches the end of the oviduct and positions itself at the vent. We sometimes must do this when a hen gets "egg bound".

What is another word for tremble?

flutter, have the shakes, jar, jitter, oscillate,palpitate, quake, quaver, quiver, rock, shiver,shudder, teeter, throb, totter, tremor, wobble =^.^=

Can your heart be affected by a thought?

Thinking a disturbing or exciting thought can sometimes cause the heart to beat faster or palpitate. In older people or those suffering from heart conditions, it can occasionally trigger a heart attack.

What does palpitate?

Palpitation is a "symptom". A person is aware of his or her heart beat. When you run for a while and stop you become aware of your heart beat for sometime. That is palpitation. When you are nervous, at times you become aware of your heart beating, that is palpitation. In certain Heart diseases like atrial fibrillation, one can get palpitation.