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3w ago

If the force of impact is extended over a period of time, the intensity of the impact is reduced because the force is distributed over a longer duration. This can help to prevent injuries by reducing the peak force experienced by the objects involved in the impact. It is commonly seen in safety mechanisms such as crumple zones in cars or padding in sports equipment.

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12y ago

You reduce the force of the impact

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Q: What happens if the force of impact is extended over a period of time?
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What is the definition of endurance strength?

Endurance strength refers to the ability of muscles to exert force repeatedly or sustain force over an extended period of time. It is closely related to muscular endurance, which is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to perform repeated contractions over a prolonged period without fatigue.

Impact force is inversely proportional to impact?

In physics, inelastic collisions are characterized by the relationship that relates momentum and kinetic energy. In these types of collisions, the impact force is higher when the impact time is shorter because the force is inversely proportional to the duration of the collision. This means that a shorter impact time results in a higher impact force.

Does angle affect force of impact?

Yes, the angle at which two objects collide can affect the force of impact. In a collision, the force of impact is dependent on both the angle and the velocity of the objects involved. A head-on collision, for example, will generally result in a higher force of impact compared to a glancing blow at an angle.

A hammer hits a nail the action to be the impact of the hammer on the nail what is the reaction?

The hammer exerts a force on the nail; the nail exerts a force on the hammer.

2 cars traveling at 50 miles per hour hit head on what is the force of the impact?

The force of the impact can be calculated using the formula force = mass * acceleration. Without knowing the mass of the cars or the duration of the impact, it's not possible to provide an exact force value. However, it would likely be a significant force due to the high speed of the cars at impact.

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What is a momentary force?

A momentary force is a force that is applied for a brief period of time, typically causing a sudden change in motion or structure. It does not persist over an extended duration and has a quick impact on the object or system it acts upon.

What happens when you shorten the duration of impact?

You increase the force of the impact

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Impulse is the product of force and time, measuring the change in momentum over a period of time. Impact force, on the other hand, is the force experienced by an object during a collision or contact event, typically involving a sudden change in momentum over a short period of time. Impact force is a component of impulse, as it contributes to the overall change in momentum.

What component of physical fitness refers to the amount of force you can generate at one time or repeatedly for an extended period of time?

Muscle strength

What property gives a ringing sound when struck?

An object with high elasticity (the ability to deform under force and return to its original shape) tends to produce a ringing sound when struck. This property allows the material to vibrate for an extended period after the impact, creating the characteristic ringing sound.

Can running cause tibia pain?

it can, if you do not exercise beforehand and suddenly apply more force than usual over an extended period of time.

What refers to the amount of force that a mucle can apply at one time and repeadetly for an extended period of time?

im pretty sure they measure it in pounds (lbs)

What is a way to decrease the force of a collision?

One way to decrease the force of a collision is by increasing the duration of the impact. This can be achieved by using safety mechanisms such as seat belts, airbags, and crumple zones in vehicles to absorb the impact energy over a longer period of time, reducing the force exerted on the occupants. Additionally, reducing the speed at which the collision occurs can also decrease the force of impact.

What is the definition of endurance strength?

Endurance strength refers to the ability of muscles to exert force repeatedly or sustain force over an extended period of time. It is closely related to muscular endurance, which is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to perform repeated contractions over a prolonged period without fatigue.

What happens when the period of oscillation increases or decreases as the mass increased?

When the mass of an oscillating object increases, the period of oscillation remains the same in simple harmonic motion if the restoring force does not change. If the mass increases but the restoring force (such as spring stiffness or gravitational force) remains constant, the period will not be affected.

If nothing happens to an object what is the force?

i think its the same? if it starts out at 2 N and nothing happens to it for a period of time, isn't it still 2 N ??

What happens to rocks left in a river for extended time?

the rocks get grind ed together over and over by the force of water pushing it and eventually become sand.