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an egg is released from the ovary's

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Q: What happens during the fertilization process.?
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What does not occur during the birth process?

Fertilization of the egg does not occur during the birth process. Birth is the process of delivering a baby from the mother's womb, which happens after fertilization, implantation, and gestation have already occurred.

What process by which the egg cell and sperm cell unite during sexual reproduction?

Fertilization is the process by which the egg cell and sperm cell unite during sexual reproduction. It results in the formation of a zygote, which is the initial stage of a new organism.

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What happens to the endometrium if fertilization does not occur?

If fertilization does not occur, the endometrium will shed during menstruation. The endometrial lining that had thickened in preparation for a potential pregnancy will break down and be expelled from the body through the vagina. This process is known as menstruation.

What is a cell that results from the process of fertilization called?

The cell resulting from the process of fertilization is called a zygote. It is the initial cell formed when the egg and sperm merge during fertilization.

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Define fertilization of flowers?

fertilization is the process of producing a an offspring. in flowers the process stars when the pollen from the male sex cell/male gamete lands on the stigma the female gamete then the pollen feeds on the sticks stuff and then creates a pollen tube through the style. then the pollen fertilization the egg/ova. DEFINITION IS: fertilization is what happens when a plant is polinated

What happens to fertilization?

Fertilization is the process where a sperm cell fuses with an egg cell to form a zygote. This zygote then starts to divide and develop into an embryo. If fertilization is successful, the embryo implants itself into the uterus where it continues to grow and develop into a fetus.

What comes before fertilization in embryology?

Before fertilization in embryology, the egg and sperm undergo a process called gametogenesis where they mature, and then they are released from the ovaries and testes. Once released, they meet during fertilization to form a zygote.

What happens to the egg and the sperm during fertilization?

The nuclei of the egg and sperm cells fuse to form the fertilized egg.