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Q: What happens during each method to form instrusive igneous rocks?
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What happenes during each method to form intrusive igneous rocks?

Igneous rocks are formed under high heat conditions. Intrusive igneous rocks are formed by the crystallization of magma in the Earth's crust.

what are igneous rock classified based upon?

Igneous rocks can be classified by their method of formation and by their mineralogy.

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Whatever method is attached to the event, is executed.

Getting pregnant from the pullout method during ovulation?

Yes! It happens all the time!

Why can't geologist use the carbon-14 method to date igneous rocks?

Igneous rocks do not contain much carbon.

How can igneous rocks be different densities?

Igneous rocks vary greatly in composition and method of formation, resulting in diverse densities.

Rocks are classifed as?

mineral Sedimentary, igneous, or metamorphic, based on their method of formation.

Why is igneous rock best for radiometric dating?

What method, and what materials, are best for dating depends on what exactly you are after.

Can a rock be classified as sedimentary igneous or metamorphic by its method of formation?

Yes, a rock can be classified as sedimentary, igneous, or metamorphic based on its method of formation. Sedimentary rocks form from the accumulation and cementation of sediments, igneous rocks form from the solidification of magma or lava, and metamorphic rocks form from the alteration of existing rocks due to heat and pressure.

What is the defintition of igneous?

Igneous rock is one of the three main rock types based on the method of its formation. It is also referred to as plutonic or volcanic rock depending on where it formed. In a nutshell, to be classified as igneous, a rock must have crystallized and solidified from molten rock (magma) either below ground (intrusive igneous rock) or at or near the surface (extrusive igneous rock).

Why don't igneous rocks look like magma rocks if igneous rock is formed from magma?

Because that is the very definition of igneous rock.

Is magnetite extrusive or intrusive?

Extrusive and intrusive are terms that apply to a type or formative method of igneous rock. Magnetite is not igneous, nor is it a rock. Magnetite is a mineral, formed by the processes of crystallization.