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Q: What happens at a cold front when cold air mass cathes up with and meets a warm air mass?
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What happens when a warm air mass meets with a cold air mass?

If you mean when a mass of cold air meets a mass of warm air, then a front is created.

What happens when the weather is hot and a cold front approaches?

Precipitation, usually in the form of rain, is a common reaction of a cold front when it meets a hot environment.

What happens when a cold air mass meets warm air mass?

A warm front forms.

What happens when Warm air mass and cold air mass meeting and no movement occurs?

Hiwhat happens when exposed air meets foodThank you.

What happens when a cold air mass meets a warm air mass but the two remain separated?

its a stationary front

What happens under a cold front?

A front is an area of unsettled weather. In front of a cold front is warmer air. Behind a cold front is colder air. As the colder air meets the warmer air, the cold air rides over the warmer air and causes condensation. Rain happens. Since conditions are unsettled, winds blow. The warm air fights back. Sometimes tornadoes form. The cold front either wins and goes forward or collapses.

Describe what happens when a cold air meets a warm air mass that is not moving?

Hiwhat happens when exposed air meets foodThank you.

What happens when a cold air mass meets a warm air mass that is not moving?

Hiwhat happens when exposed air meets foodThank you.

What happens when cold metal meets hot liquid?

it melts.

What happens when a cold air mass meets and replaces a warm air mass?

When a cold air mass meets and replaces a warm air mass, it typically results in a cold front. As the cold air moves in, it wedges under the warm air, causing the warm air to rise rapidly. This can lead to the formation of clouds, precipitation, and sometimes severe weather like thunderstorms.

When a warm front meets a cold front but neither is strong enough to take over the other is called a?

Stationary Front

When a warm front meets a cold front but neither is strong enough to take over the other is called?

Stationary Front