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If you stare at a solar eclipse, you will be permanently blinded.

Lunar eclipses are safe; you can stare at those if you want to.

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4w ago

Staring directly at a solar eclipse without proper eye protection can cause serious eye damage or even permanent blindness. Looking at a lunar eclipse is safe and can be enjoyed with the naked eye.

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When the shadow of earth falls on the moon?

You get an eclipse. People stare at eclipses with sunglasses or some type of shade above their eyes if the eclipse is very bright and burning

What are the kinds of eclipses?

On earth there are 2 eclipses, Lunar and Solar eclipses

Does the annular eclipse happen every year?

No, annular eclipses do not happen every year. They occur when the Moon is farthest from Earth, making it appear smaller and not fully cover the Sun during the eclipse. This alignment is not a regular occurrence, so annular eclipses happen less frequently than total solar eclipses.

How many eclipses are there of the moon?

An eclipse of the moon happens when the shadow of the earth falls across the moon. This happens on a recurring basis and thus your question is meaningless - as eclipses of the moon have happened in the far past and will continue to happen into the fare future - counting them is impossible!

How many eclipses in 2010?

On average, we can expect two lunar eclipses and two solar eclipses in any year. 2010 will have four eclipses, right on the average.

How does eclipses happened?

A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes through the Earth's shadow - this can only happen during the Full Moon phase.

Is it normal to stare at a boy and everything else goes by except him?

Yes when you are really besotted by him. This happened to me before. Don't worry about it.

What are the eclipses of the sun and moon called?

Solar and lunar eclipses

Where were eclipses discovered?

Eclipses were not discovered. They are a natural occurring event.

When was Canon of Eclipses created?

Canon of Eclipses was created in 1887.

How many eclipses are there in a calendar year?

The answer very much depends on the year. One calendar year has a minimum of four eclipses, which are two solar eclipses and two lunar eclipses. A year can have as many as seven eclipses. So each year is different.

What is a sentence with the word stare in it?

It is rude to stare at people.I stare at him for a moment, wondering if he was joking.He has a cold, icy stare.