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Q: What happened when Rutherford exposed nitrogen gas to alpha particles?
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What occurred when Rutherford exposed nitrogen gas to alpha particles?

When Rutherford exposed nitrogen gas to alpha particles, he observed the formation of oxygen and hydrogen nuclei. This demonstrated the process of nuclear transmutation, where one element is transformed into another through nuclear reactions. This experiment laid the foundation for the understanding of nuclear chemistry and the structure of the atom.

Why does liquid nitrogen exposed to air is a physical change?

When liquid nitrogen is exposed to air, it rapidly evaporates and turns into nitrogen gas. This process is a physical change because only the physical state of the substance is changed from liquid to gas, without altering its chemical composition.

If liquid nitrogen freezes everything why is itself a liquid?

liquid nitrogen will not freeze everything. Hydrogen and helium will remain a gas when exposed to liquid nitrogen.

Why don't Fe rust when exposed to N?

Rust - by definition - is oxidation. It requires oxygen. If it's exposed to nitrogen, it's not oxidizing.

What enzyme that adds nucleotides to exposed nitrogen bases?

DNA and RNA polymerase

What was Ernest Rutherford's real job?

rutherford's first researches, in new zeland, were concerned with the magnetic properies of iron exposed to high frequencys discovered new noble gas isotope of radon which is known as thoron

What is enzyme that adds nucleotides to exposed nitrogen bases?

DNA polymerase is the enzyme that adds complementary nucleotides to exposed nitrogen bases during DNA replication.

Are smaller particles weathered more rapidly than larger particles?

Yes, because smaller particles are more exposed to air (large surface area).

Enzyme that adds nucleotides to exposed nitrogen bases?

DNA polymerase is the enzyme responsible for adding nucleotides to exposed nitrogen bases during DNA replication. It catalyzes the formation of phosphodiester bonds between the incoming nucleotide and the growing DNA strand.

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What happens to air particles exposed to a laser beam?

When air particles are exposed to a laser beam, they can heat up and gain energy, causing them to move at higher speeds and collide with other particles. This can lead to the particles scattering in random directions and potentially ionizing the surrounding air molecules.

A type of pollution that forms when nitrogen and carbon compounds are exposed to sunlight is called?

photochemical smog