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Q: What happened to Galileo Galileo when he was called to Rome by the church?
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Why did the Church of Rome try to murder Galileo?

The Catholic Church, and more specifically the Church in Rome, never tried to murder Galileo. Galileo was a personal friend of the Pope, at that time, and, although he was tried for heresy, and told to stop teaching his theory as fact, as he had no proof, he was certainly never murdered.

What kind of relationship did Galileo have with the church. why?

Galileo had a complex relationship with the Catholic Church. He was initially supported by the Church for his scientific work, but when he advocated for the heliocentric model of the solar system, which contradicted the Church's geocentric views, he faced condemnation and was ultimately tried and forced to recant under threat of torture. This conflict between his scientific findings and religious doctrine led to tensions between Galileo and the Church.

Where did Galileo Galilei travel?

In 1633 the Roman Catholic Church forced Galileo to stand trial for his belief that the Earth moves around the Sun. Galileo had to publicly denounce the idea and was sentenced to life imprisonment. He spent the the rest of his life under house arrest. Galileo became blind before he died at Arcetri, near Florence, on January 8, 1642.

Why did church leaders feel so threatened by Galileo's support of the heliocentric theory?

Church leaders felt threatened by Galileo's support of the heliocentric theory because it contradicted the geocentric view supported by scripture, challenging the Church's authority over matters of science and interpretation of the Bible. They viewed his ideas as heretical and a threat to the Church's power and influence over society.

Why did Catholic church leaders oppose Galileo heliocentric (Sun center) model of universe?

The charge was ignoring the implications of the Copernican theory. Previously the Inquisition had asked him not to teach Copernicus' theory as anything but a hypothesis (which it was at the time). In 1632 he was asked to come to Rome to answer for alleged breaching the contract with the Inquisition. Recently, scholarship has shown that the document on which Galileo's trial was based was a forgery planted in the Roman Curia by an unscrupulous official. In 1979, Pope John Paul II called for the formal exoneration of Galileo. For a more complete discussion and references please get the book Seven Lies about Catholic History.See related link below.AnswerAt the time the heliocentric model was still a theory and had not yet been proven. Many Church leaders agreed that Galileo was probably correct. However, he was teaching a theory as fact when it had not yet been proven as such. This is very analogous to the evolutionary theory today that causes so much disagreement and division. The Church agrees that evolution probably occurred but the theory has not yet been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.AnswerGalileo's model was a theory and he taught it as fact when, in fact, there was no proof at the time.AnswerActually, Galileo had a large following among the Roman Curia, including the pope. However, Galileo got himself into trouble by teaching that the heliocentric (Sun-centered universe) theory was fact. However, at the time it was just a theory or hypothesis and Galileo even stated that he could not prove it. Had he changed his approach to the subject we never would have heard today of the controversy. Unfortunately, Galileo was not a humble person and had quite a temper and sarcastic manner and began to attack the Church in speech and his writing. Even his close friend the pope became the target of his rage. Of course, this did not endear him to the Church and he lost much of his standing with the Roman clergy.AnswerGeocentric theories kept mankind, the deity's highest creation, at the center of the universe. Heliocentric theories displaced mankind from that position. This thought was abhorrent to the church. AnswerI don't think the Church was threatened by Galileo's observations. The Church had issues with Galileo's not complying with its restrictions on his teaching which, at that time, was only an unproved theory.

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Why did the Church of Rome try to murder Galileo?

The Catholic Church, and more specifically the Church in Rome, never tried to murder Galileo. Galileo was a personal friend of the Pope, at that time, and, although he was tried for heresy, and told to stop teaching his theory as fact, as he had no proof, he was certainly never murdered.

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Galileo had a complex relationship with the Catholic Church. He was initially supported by the Church for his scientific work, but when he advocated for the heliocentric model of the solar system, which contradicted the Church's geocentric views, he faced condemnation and was ultimately tried and forced to recant under threat of torture. This conflict between his scientific findings and religious doctrine led to tensions between Galileo and the Church.

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In 1633, he was summoned by the Church and was accused of heresy because of his book The Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems.

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Did Galileo become a hero in Rome when his ideas were published?

Quite the opposite. He was called a heretic and given a choice of renouncing his beliefs or being excommunicated from the church, which would guarantee him a place in hell. He recanted his helio-centric statements, but in 1993, 351 years after his death, the Catholic Church officially decided his views were correct.

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Where did Galileo Galilei travel?

In 1633 the Roman Catholic Church forced Galileo to stand trial for his belief that the Earth moves around the Sun. Galileo had to publicly denounce the idea and was sentenced to life imprisonment. He spent the the rest of his life under house arrest. Galileo became blind before he died at Arcetri, near Florence, on January 8, 1642.