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Q: What happened before and after the dust bowl?
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What happened to pets during the dust bowl?

During the dust bowl, Your fat mother ate them all.

What happened to the lifestock during the dust bowl?

Most livestock died of starvation during the Dust Bowl in the 1930s.

Who was the president when the dust bowl happened?

herbert hoover

What happened in Beaumont Texas in 1901?

There was a dust bowl

What happened to the farmland in the Dust Bowl?

Everything including farmland was covered in bunches of layers of silt & dust. The air was also polluted with dust.

What major event happened during the year 1934 to 1935?

it was the dust bowl

What happened to children in the dust bowl?

they had to wear masks. and they couldnt go to school

When was there a Dust Bowl in Arkansas?

The Dust Bowl in Arkansas came in three waves. It happened in 1934, 1936, and 1939. It was also known as the Dirty Thirties, wherein severe dust storms damaged the ecology and agriculture.

how do i dust a bowl?

No the dust bowl was not shaped like a bowl

Was the dust bowl really the shape of a bowl?

No the dust bowl was not shaped like a bowl.

What were some events that happened in 1935 1940?

The Dust Bowl began in 1931 and ended in 1938

What are two mayor things that happened during the dust bowl?

Black Sunday and Black Blizzards