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This topic is debated but here is the most likely cause:

Those organisms reproduced and created more organisms. Over time the organisms changed (due to the Earth changing).

The organisms reproduced with other organisms and created a new species. After millions of years, creatures like wolves and humans now exist. Hope I helped

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Rhett Strosin

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1y ago
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1w ago

After the first organism appeared on Earth, life continued to evolve and diversify over billions of years through processes such as natural selection, genetic mutation, and speciation. This led to the emergence of new species and the development of complex ecosystems.

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12y ago

This topic is debated but here is the most likely cause:

Those organisms reproduced and created more organisms. Over time the organisms changed (due to the Earth changing).

The organisms reproduced with other organisms and created a new species. After millions of years, creatures like wolves and humans now exist. Hope I helped

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12y ago

more then 2 billion years passed before the first multicellular organism emereged :)

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Q: What happened after the first organism appeared on earth?
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Read your science book chapter . It is on the first page.

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