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its obvious that the chemical reaction of the match sets the stick of wood on fire but if you put it in a test tube full of water it will reach its full potential of burning and simply go out the is written by Jesse page

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It depends on what is inside the test tube. If the test tube is empty nothing will happen, if there is petrol in the test tube the petrol will ignite.

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it make a pop sound

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Q: What happen when you placed a lightened match near the mouth of the test tube?
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An explosive and sudden release of air through the mouth?

Burst of air expelled from the mouth, typically accompanied by a sound. This can happen intentionally or involuntarily due to factors like surprise or amusement.

What is the difference between mouth dissolving and fast dissolving tablet?

Mouth dissolving tablets are designed to dissolve in the mouth within seconds without the need for water, making them convenient for patients who have difficulty swallowing. Fast dissolving tablets, on the other hand, may dissolve quickly in the stomach or upon contact with liquid, but they do not necessarily need to be placed in the mouth like mouth dissolving tablets.

Why does salt make your mouth dry?

Salt draws moisture out of cells through a process called osmosis. When you consume too much salt, it can lead to dehydration by extracting water from your body's cells, including the cells in your mouth. This can leave your mouth feeling dry or parched.

Whats really going to happen if you brush or rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide?

Brushing or rinsing your mouth with hydrogen peroxide can help to kill bacteria and whiten teeth, but it must be done with caution as it can also cause irritation to the mouth and gums. Overuse can lead to damage to the enamel on your teeth and an increased risk of developing sores in your mouth. It's important to follow the instructions carefully and consult with a dentist before using hydrogen peroxide for oral care.

What are some of the common methods for isolation in the mouth?

Common methods for isolation in the mouth during dental procedures include the use of rubber dams, cotton rolls, saliva ejectors, and high-volume suction. Rubber dams are thin sheets that isolate specific teeth, preventing fluids and debris from entering the mouth. Cotton rolls are placed around the teeth to absorb saliva. Saliva ejectors and high-volume suction devices remove saliva and debris during procedures.

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What happen when you placed a lighted match near the mouth of the test tube?

It depends on what is inside the test tube. If the test tube is empty nothing will happen, if there is petrol in the test tube the petrol will ignite.

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What happened when you place a lighted match near the mouth of the test tube?

It depends on what is inside the test tube. If the test tube is empty nothing will happen, if there is petrol in the test tube the petrol will ignite.

What happens when you place a lighted match near the mouth of the tube?

It depends on what is inside the test tube. If the test tube is empty nothing will happen, if there is petrol in the test tube the petrol will ignite.

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What happens when you place a lighted match near the mouth of the test tube?

It depends on what is inside the test tube. If the test tube is empty nothing will happen, if there is petrol in the test tube the petrol will ignite.

Can blood poar out of your mouth when you have mouth herpes?

Nope, I have it and never had that happen.

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