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The chemical properties of atoms are significantly changed when they form compounds.

When elements combine to form compounds it is called a chemical reaction.

The compound is then a collection of molecules and each molecule has in it atoms from the elements used in the formation.

The atoms in the molecule are still the same atoms as one started with, but the arrangement of the electrons in the atoms has changed. It is the electronic properties of atoms and molecules that really determine the properties they have and which chemical reactions occur and which do not.

The chemical properties of an atom or molecule are determined by the arrangement of the electrons of that atom or molecule. Once atoms have gone through a chemical reaction, the electronic structure is changed. The atoms are the same identity, but the properties of the atoms have been changed by the chemical reaction.

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6y ago
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1mo ago

When elements combine to form compounds, their properties change because the new compound can have different chemical and physical properties compared to the individual elements. This is due to the formation of new chemical bonds and the arrangement of atoms in the compound.

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10y ago

The chemical properties of atoms are significantly changed when they form compounds. When elements combine to form compounds it is called a chemical reaction. The compound is then a collection of molecules and each molecule has are still the same atoms as one started with, but the arrangement of the electrons in the atoms has changed.

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14y ago

The short answer is yes. As the chemicals combine their outer shell electrons are either shared or transferred. The outshell electrons are the primary contributors to the properties (chemical and physical) of the atoms. Thus atoms with 1,2 or 3 electrons in their outer (valence) shell will tend to lose them while atoms with 5, 6 or 7 electrons in their valence shells will tend to fill to eight. Additionally, atoms with the same number of valence shell electrons not only belong to the same family of atoms but also have very similar chemical properties.

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12y ago

lol, of course. I cannot think of an exception to this. While many chemicals have strikingly similar physical or chemical properties (under specific conditions of pressure, temperature etc), each chemical compound is unique unto itself. and even homogeneous pure elements have isotopic variation...

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14y ago

Yes, for example both Hydrogen and Oxygen are highly flammable gases and yet when combined they for the liquid compound water, which is used to extinguish fires.

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13y ago

Please clarify, combine or BOND?

When elements bond, it's either Ionic, Covalent Network, Covalent Molecular or Metallic - depending on the elements involved.

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6y ago

The compound will have properties that are different from those of the individual elements, if that's what you mean.

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6y ago

Yes, it is correct.

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16y ago


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Q: Do an elements properties change when it combines with another element?
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What class of compounds is formed when oxygen combines with elements?

Oxides are the class of compounds formed when oxygen combines with elements. They typically consist of a metal or non-metal element bonded to oxygen. Oxides can vary widely in their properties and uses depending on the elements involved in the reaction.

What is the the smallest components of elements having all the chemical properties?

An atom. Anything smaller is an atomic particle from which all elements are made.An atom is the smallest particle of an element that has properties of that element.An atom is the smallest unit of an element that retains the properties of that element.

Is sulfide an element or a compound?

A sufide is an anion form of the element sulfur. It can form compounds if it combines with other elements. Sulfide on it's own is not a compound, you need a prefix to that like Hydrogen Sulphide. Do not get this mixed up with a sulfate; you can get copper sulphate but not copper sulfide.

How many different elements with unique properties have scientist found?

Scientists have identified 118 different elements on the periodic table, each with unique properties. These elements range from hydrogen, the lightest element, to oganesson, the heaviest synthetic element. Each element's distinct properties determine its behavior and applications in various fields of science and industry.

How did the element in newland's octaves have similar properties or personalities?

Newland's octaves grouped elements with similar properties by arranging them in order of increasing atomic mass. This showed that the elements had recurring patterns in their properties. By doing this, Newland was able to observe that every eighth element had properties similar to the first element, thus forming octaves of elements.

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An element is said to be chemically reactive when it combines with another element. These two elements will create a new compound.

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ReactivityThe ease and speed with which an element combines with other elements and compounds is called the "reactivity" of the element.

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ReactivityThe ease and speed with which an element combines with other elements and compounds is called the "reactivity" of the element.

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ReactivityThe ease and speed with which an element combines with other elements and compounds is called the "reactivity" of the element.

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What class of compounds is formed when oxygen combines with elements?

Oxides are the class of compounds formed when oxygen combines with elements. They typically consist of a metal or non-metal element bonded to oxygen. Oxides can vary widely in their properties and uses depending on the elements involved in the reaction.

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All oxides contain oxygen atoms bound to another element. Oxides are compounds formed when an element combines with oxygen. The properties of oxides can vary depending on the specific elements involved in the compound.

What element combines easy with other elements?

water,oxygen and aluminum.

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Element properties stay the same

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ReactivityThe ease and speed with which an element combines with other elements and compounds is called the "reactivity" of the element.

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You would see which group the element was in and then replace it with another element from the same group, as all elements in a group have similar properties. For example you could replace Sodium with Potassium as they are both in Group 1.

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