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During secondary socialization, individuals learn the norms, values, and behaviors of specific social groups or institutions outside of their family, such as schools, peer groups, and workplaces. This process helps individuals adapt to different social contexts and roles, shaping their personal identities and social interactions beyond what they have learned in their primary socialization within the family.

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Socialization is the process through which individuals learn and internalize the norms, values, and behaviors of their society. Evidence from social psychology and sociology demonstrates that socialization plays a significant role in shaping human behavior by influencing how individuals perceive themselves, interact with others, and make sense of the world around them. This is evident in studies showing the impact of family, peers, media, and institutions in shaping beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors of individuals. However, it is important to acknowledge that while socialization is a powerful force in shaping behavior, individuals also have agency and can resist or reinterpret socializing influences.

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simply put, it means socialisation practice!

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Secondary socialization can have a negative effect on individuals when they are exposed to harmful beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors from secondary socialization agents, such as peer groups or media. This can lead to the internalization of negative norms or values that can impact their self-esteem, mental health, and decision-making as they grow up.

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Socialisation does not contribute to homosexuality, although some authors seem to think it does.

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agencies of socialisation it is the place how practises the agent of socialisation his works

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What is meant by primary sociolisation?

The process by which children learn the cultural norms of the society into which they are born. Religion is also seen to be socialised into the personality of the child. Primary socialisation occurs largely in the family. See 'Secondary sociolisation' also

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no voltage will be induced on the secondary side of the motor as the windings will become saturated.

When did Centennial Secondary School shooting happen?

Centennial Secondary School shooting happened on 1975-05-28.

What is secoundry socialisation?

Secondary socialization refers to the process of learning behaviors and norms that are more specific to a particular social group or setting beyond the primary socialization received during childhood. This can occur through interactions in school, work, religious institutions, or other social environments. It helps individuals adapt to the expectations and values of these specific groups.