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Not always. For example the pancreas while largely made of the same type of cells performing the same function (making digestive enzymes needed in the small intestine) contains little spots called the Islets of Langerhans that are entirely different and have a totally unrelated function (making the hormone insulin needed in the blood to regulate glucose metabolism). Both types of cells are integral parts of the one organ.

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12y ago

yes it is cause they bithr made same structure ad same function

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Q: What group of cells are similar in structure and function?
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Cells with similar function and/or structure make up tissues in the body.

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Cells are both the basic units of structure andfunction.An organ is a group of tissues that work together to perform a similar function, and a tissue is a group of cells that work together to perform a similar function.

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A group of cells with a similar structure and function is called a tissue. Tissues work together to perform specific functions in the body.

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tissues are group of cell that perform a specific similar function.

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A group of cells with the same form (shape) and function is a tissue.Some examples of human tissues are:connective tissueepithelial tissuenervous tissuemuscle tissueTissues are grouped into organs, and organs may be grouped into systems.

A group of cells that have the same structure and function?

A group of cells that have similar structure and functions is called tissue. Some examples of tissue include muscles, skin and bone.

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A group of cells with a similar function?

A tissue

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A tissue is a group of cells that work together to perform a specific function, such as muscle tissue or nerve tissue. These cells are organized in a specific structure and are interconnected. A group of cells that are merely clumped together lack the organization and coordination seen in tissues, and do not necessarily have a specific function or structure.

A group of cells thet preform a similar fuction is called?

A group of cells grouped together to perform a similar function is a tissue. FOr example, all of your mucels perform a similar function. The muscles are actually tissues consisting of a group of similar cells.

What is a group of cells with similar structure or function?

A group of cells with similar structure or function is called a tissue. Tissues work together to perform specific functions within an organism. Examples of tissues include muscle tissue, nervous tissue, and epithelial tissue.

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A tissue is a group of cells that work together to perform a specific function in the body. These cells are typically similar in structure and function, allowing them to carry out specialized tasks collectively. Tissues are the building blocks of organs and organ systems in multicellular organisms.