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Q: What greenhouse gas is entirely made by humans?
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What type of gas is entirely anthropogenic?

Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is a gas that is entirely anthropogenic, meaning it is created by human activities. It is a potent greenhouse gas with a high global warming potential.

What is the greenhouse gas that humans produce the most of?

CO2 or Carbon Dioxide.

What are the four causes of global warming?

Radiation from the sun trapped by the earth's greenhouse effectCarbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, from humans burning fossil fuel (coal, oil and natural gas)Methane, a greenhouse gas, emitted from cattle and melting tundraDeforestation, when humans cut down the forests that used to capture carbon dioxide

Is Jupiter made of gas or solid?

It is made almost entirely of gas.

Is Jupiter made of a solid or gas?

It is made almost entirely of gas.

When humans burp or fart do they give greenhouse gas too?

Yes, when humans burp or fart, they release gases like carbon dioxide and methane, which are considered greenhouse gases. These gases can contribute to the overall greenhouse gas emissions and impact the environment if released in large quantities.

Is all air pollution caused by humans?

no. Cows make Methane gas (poop) which is a greenhouse gas. However dirty,stinky humans are the major causes of air pollution.

What greenhouse gas produced by humans activities has dramatically increased in earths atmosphere?

CO2; Carbon Dioxide

Where in the atmosphere are greenhouse gases?

All of it . . . the largest amount of greenhouse gas is plain old water vapor. (Humidity) Without the greenhouse gasses, the Earth would be an icy ball with no animals, plants, or humans.

Does Neptune has volcanoes?

No because it is a gas planet meaning that it is made entirely of gas.

Is Saturn made of mostly rocks and gas?

The planet Saturn is almost entirely made of gas. It is not for nothing that it is known as a gas giant.

Could Humans inhabit Saturn?

This would be terribly difficult since the planet is entirely gas.