The planet Jupiter is named after the Roman god Jupiter, who is equivalent to the Greek god Zeus.
The planet Venus is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty.
The first planet from the sun, Mercury, is named after the messenger of the gods. The second planet, Venus, is named after the goddess of love and beauty. Earth, the third planet, is not named after a god. The fourth planet, Mars, is named after the god of war. The fifth planet, Jupiter, is named after the king of the gods. The sixth planet, Saturn, is named after the king Titan and the father of the gods. The seventh Uranus, is named after the god of the heavens and the father of the Titans. The eighth planet, Neptune, is named after the god of the sea. The dwarf planet Pluto is named after the god of the Underworld. The dwarf planet Ceres is named after the goddess of the harvest. The dwarf planet Eris is named after the goddess of discord and strife.
The Romans likened Aphrodite to their Venus and named a planet after her.
Really there isn't a connection to the physical planet Jupiter. However, the almost identical Zeus to the Romans was named Jupiter. So no connection (at least on the greek end) to the physical planet.
The planet Jupiter is named after the Roman god Jupiter, who is equivalent to the Greek god Zeus.
The planet Jupiter shares its name with the Jupiter, the Roman god of the sky. Jupiter's Greek equivalent is Zeus.
You can tell because if its a girl planet then its gonna be pink and girly. if its a boys planet then its gonna be gross nasty and smelly...Actually, I think you can probably tell by the Greeks goddesses and gods and the Romans. If its a Greek God then its a boy. If its a greek goddess then its a girl. Example- Venus is the goddess of love so the planet venus is a girl since she is a goddess. Another Example is that Jupiter is Zues from Greek mythology and he is God of all the Gods in Roman and Greek Mythology. So, since he is a God, he is a boy!
Hera is the name the Greeks worshiped a similar goddess to Juno.
Jupiter is named after one of the greek gods he was Jupiter the god of war .
The planet Jupiter is named after the roman god Jupiter, the roman counterpart of the greek god Zeus.
In Roman myths Jupiter, in Greek Zeus
The roman goddess, junius, which is also the goddess Juno in roman/greek mythologyThe month is named after the Roman goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter and equivalent to the Greek goddess Hera.
The planet Venus is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty.
The first planet from the sun, Mercury, is named after the messenger of the gods. The second planet, Venus, is named after the goddess of love and beauty. Earth, the third planet, is not named after a god. The fourth planet, Mars, is named after the god of war. The fifth planet, Jupiter, is named after the king of the gods. The sixth planet, Saturn, is named after the king Titan and the father of the gods. The seventh Uranus, is named after the god of the heavens and the father of the Titans. The eighth planet, Neptune, is named after the god of the sea. The dwarf planet Pluto is named after the god of the Underworld. The dwarf planet Ceres is named after the goddess of the harvest. The dwarf planet Eris is named after the goddess of discord and strife.
Venus the planet is named for the Roman goddess Venus who was goddess of love and beauty and identified with Aphrodite, the Greek goddess.