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Q: What granite intrusion crosses a thick sandstone bed which is older and what law is it?
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How can you tell that sandstone is older than a basalt layer?

If the sandstone is below the basalt layer, it is older. Though caution is advised, to make sure it is really a basalt layer and not an intrusion of gabbro. Other indicators that the sandstone is older is evidence of alteration to the sandstone where the two meet (called a "baked contact") and pieces of sandstone being found in the the basalt.

How can you tell that the sandstone was not deposited on top of basalt layers?

The sandstone layer is older than the basalt. The older rock cannot be on top of the younger rock. The sandstone and the basalt (or basalt dike) are both deposited at the same depth.

A One million year old layer of sandstone laying on top of a 1.5 million year old layer of granite is an example of?

The principle of superposition states that in an undisturbed sequence of rock layers, the oldest layers are at the bottom and the youngest are at the top. Therefore, in this scenario, the granite layer would be older and the sandstone layer would be younger.

Is tan sandstone or brown sandstone older?

In general, sandstone does not have an inherent color based on its age. The color of sandstone is influenced by the minerals present in the rock. Age is determined by the formation process and the relative position of the rock layers in the Earth's crust, not the color of the sandstone.

What is conglomerate's parent rock?

A conglomerate's parent rock is usually a mixture of different rock types that have been cemented together. It typically forms from the erosion and deposition of older rocks, such as granite, sandstone, or limestone.

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A layer of sandstone is in contact with a mass of granite The granite contains small pieces of the sandstone Which rock is older?

The sandstone is older because it must have been there first to provide the small pieces found in the granite. This relationship implies that the sandstone layer was already in place before the granite formed and incorporated fragments of the sandstone.

If a mass of granite is in contact with a layer of sandstone that contains small pieces of the granite which rock is older?

The granite would be older because it had to form first in order for the sandstone to contain pieces of it. The sandstone would have formed later on top of the granite layer.

When a granite intrudes into a layer of limestone which is younger granite or limestone?

When a granite intrusion occurs within a layer of younger limestone, the granite is considered older than the surrounding limestone. This is because intrusive rocks form before surrounding sedimentary rocks. If the intrusion occurs within older limestone, then the limestone is considered older than the granite.

If a layer of sandstone is in contact with a mass of granite that contains small pieces of the sandstone which rock is older?

granite is older, Granite goes back more than 300 mya to the Ancestral Rockies or the first Rocky Mountains-Fountain Formation

How can you tell that sandstone is older than a basalt layer?

If the sandstone is below the basalt layer, it is older. Though caution is advised, to make sure it is really a basalt layer and not an intrusion of gabbro. Other indicators that the sandstone is older is evidence of alteration to the sandstone where the two meet (called a "baked contact") and pieces of sandstone being found in the the basalt.

What do an intrusion and an extrusion tell us about the rock layers?

(Intrusion) You can learn how old the rock layers are around it. the rock layers around under and all around the intrusion are always older than the intrusion itself. (EXTRUSION) the layers of rock bellow the extrusion is older than the extrusion.

Who is older granite or limestone?

Granite is typically older than limestone. Granite is formed from molten magma deep within the Earth's crust, while limestone is formed from the accumulation of marine organisms over time. Therefore, granite is usually older as it predates the formation of limestone.

Geography test help?

Deposition of tan sandstone (A) Deposition of greenish shale (B) Deposition of coarse sandstone (C) Formation of dike (D) Movement along fault (F) Formation of granite (G) Deposition of gray limestone (K) Eruption of lava flow (L) and formation of volcano (V) Erosion to form narrow canyon (N) Deposition of older river gravels (R) Deposition of reddish sandstone (S) Development of a nonconformity on granite (not assigned a letter) Help me put this on order please

How can you tell that the sandstone was not deposited on top of basalt layers?

The sandstone layer is older than the basalt. The older rock cannot be on top of the younger rock. The sandstone and the basalt (or basalt dike) are both deposited at the same depth.

A One million year old layer of sandstone laying on top of a 1.5 million year old layer of granite is an example of?

The principle of superposition states that in an undisturbed sequence of rock layers, the oldest layers are at the bottom and the youngest are at the top. Therefore, in this scenario, the granite layer would be older and the sandstone layer would be younger.

Is De Long Shale older or Desert Sandstone?


Could you tell me something about realative ages of rocks for a project please?

When you look at a rock that has undisturbed layers, the bottom layers are older and the upper layers are younger. Anytime a rock layer crosses another (ie. an intrusion), the crossing layer is younger.