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A Green wire (or bare wire with no insulation) is normally the local "Ground "wire.

A White wire is normally the "Neutral" wire. It is common to both hot legs on a 240 Volt supply.

A Black wire can be the "Hot" wire of a 120 Volt supply or one of the two "Hot" legs of a 240 Volt supply.

A Red wire can be the other of the two "Hot" legs of a 240 Volt supply.



REFER THIS WORK TO QUALIFIED PROFESSIONALS. If you do this work yourself, always turn off the power

at the breaker box/fuse panel BEFORE you attempt to do any work AND

always use an electrician's test meter having metal-tipped probes

(not a simple proximity voltage indicator)

to insure the circuit is, in fact, de-energized.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

This is a joke I know and since it's worded this way It could be two zebras eating pickles, but the joke should say what is black white, black white and green? The answer to this is two zebras fighting over a pickle.

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βˆ™ 8mo ago

This pattern could represent a simple alternating sequence of colors: black-white-green-black-white-green.

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Where do the white and black wires go on a 3 prong 120 volt twist lock outlet go?

The white wire goes to the silver screw terminal (neutral), the black wire goes to the brass screw terminal (hot), and the green or bare wire goes to the green screw terminal or grounding clip (ground). Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions and adhere to electrical safety practices when installing the outlet.

What are the common wiring in a receptacle?

Common wiring in a receptacle typically includes hot (black), neutral (white), and ground (green or bare copper) wires. The hot wire carries the electrical current to the receptacle, the neutral wire completes the circuit, and the ground wire provides a path for electrical safety. It's important to follow proper wiring guidelines to ensure a safe electrical connection.

How do you wire a 3 prong outlet with newer 4 wire cable?

To wire a 3-prong outlet with newer 4-wire cable, you will connect the black and red wires to the brass screws for the hot connections, the white wire to the silver screw for the neutral connection, and the green or bare wire to the green screw for the ground connection. Be sure to consult local electrical codes to ensure proper installation.

What hair color goes with the hair color black?

well the exact hair colors that can go with black is white, red , yellow ,orange, green but mostly the main color is blond or the best color is dirty blond its differ because dirty blond is darker and it goes with black since black is a dark color like dirty blond.

How are the live neutral and ground wires connected to a duplex grounding type receptacle?

The black "hot" conductor goes to the brass coloured screw. The white coloured conductor goes to the silver coloured screw. The bare ground conductor goes to the ground green coloured screw

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Which wire goes on the gold screw the white or black?

In typical American wiring the black wire on an outlet goes to the gold (copper) screw and the white wire goes to the silver screw. The ground wire goes to the green screw.

91 Honda civic dx how to install a sunpro super tech 2?

there should be 3 wires a green a black and a white. the green goes to the negative post on the ignition coil. black goes to a ground. and the white is for the lights that goes to the positive on the ignition switch.

What colour leather jacket goes with red hair?

dark green, black or white

Whats balck and white black and white black and white and green?

Black and white black and white black and white and green is a ragga son.

How do you wire a wall plug socket?

Wall receptacles are wired in parallel. black to black, white to white, ground to ground.

What goes with green skinny legs?

Brown will go with green skinny legs , deep dark red , white , & black.

What color goes with neon green and black?

Neon green goes WITH black

Where do the white and black wires go on a 3 prong 120 volt twist lock outlet go?

The white wire goes to the silver screw terminal (neutral), the black wire goes to the brass screw terminal (hot), and the green or bare wire goes to the green screw terminal or grounding clip (ground). Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions and adhere to electrical safety practices when installing the outlet.

What colors goes good with green?

blue goes good w/ green also white , black, and gray. ''my openion'' Yellow and red go good with green, anything can go with black so obviously black, blue and white can go as well but mostly, yellow and red, but that's just what I think.

What goes with green?

White, gray, black, red, orange, yellow, blue, purple, brown, pink

What color top goes with pink skinny jeans?

I think black would look nice. Maybe white? Nothing bold, like red or orange.

What goes with black?

gold,sliver,pink,blue,white,green,yellow really every single colour can go!