

What glands responds to heat?

Updated: 12/3/2022
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Q: What glands responds to heat?
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Which glands responds to rising androgen levels?

the testis and the pituitary

What is the name for a plant's response to heat?

Thermotropism is when a plant 'moves' as it responds to heat

What is integrative?

the nervous system responds by sending signals to muscles, causing them to contract, or to glands, causing them to produce secretions

What is integrative function?

the nervous system responds by sending signals to muscles, causing them to contract, or to glands, causing them to produce secretions

How do sweat glands function during exercise?

During exercise, the increased muscle activity increases body temperature. The skin responds to the need to bring body temperature back into normal range in two ways. The blood vessels near the surface of the skin dilate to release extra heat, and the sweat glands make perspiration, which evaporates to lower body temperature.

The heat liberating apparatus of the body is called?

sebaceous glands

What 3 products do sweat glands get rid of?

salt, water and heat

What are oder glands?

its where youer swit comes out so you do over heat

Which glands play a role in thermoregulation?

The sweat glands help regulate body temperature by producing sweat, which cools the body when it evaporates. The thyroid gland also plays a role in thermoregulation by releasing thyroid hormones that help regulate metabolism, which can impact body temperature regulation.

What skin structures are activated when the body loses excess heat?

sweat glands

What is the sweat glands defence of the body?

It allows body to lose heat by sweating

What does the human body depend on to cool itself in hot environment?

the excretory system ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The human body depends on it's unique sweat glands to cool off the body. Heat containing sweat is released from the glands, in which the atmosphere absorbs the heat, resulting in a loss of heat for the body.