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Neurons (or nerve cells) come in three structural types, depending on how many fibres they have: Multipolar neurons have many fibres attached to the cell body. One fibre, the axon, is longer than the others and carries the electrical impulses away from the cell body. The other fibres, called dendrites, are shorter and carry impulses to the cell body. Bipolar neurons have two fibres attached to the cell body, one denfrite and one axon. Unipolar neurons have a single fibre attached to the cell body which then branches into two. For a diagram see:

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A multipolar neuron is named for having multiple processes extending from its cell body, including one axon and multiple dendrites. This neuron type is commonly found in the central nervous system and is vital for integrating and transmitting information within the nervous system.

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What type of neuron connects to a muscle?

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What determine whether a neuron is unipolar bipolar multipolar?

The structure of a neuron is determined by its function and location within the nervous system. Unipolar neurons have a single process extending from the cell body; bipolar neurons have two processes extending from the cell body; multipolar neurons have multiple processes extending from the cell body. The specific tasks the neuron needs to perform and its location in the nervous system dictate its structure.

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The most common type of neuron found in the central nervous?

The most common type of neuron found in the central nervous system is the multipolar neuron. These neurons have many dendrites and a single axon extending from the cell body. Multipolar neurons are involved in processing and transmitting information in the brain and spinal cord.

What are the most common neuron in cns?

multipolar, ya dingus.

What is the function of the giant multipolar neuron?

The giant multipolar neuron helps to coordinate movement and maintain muscle tone in invertebrates. It plays a key role in the coordination of activities within the nervous system and the conduction of nerve impulses along its large axon.

Which neuron is common only in dorsal root ganglia of the spinal cord and sensory ganglia of cranial nerves?

multipolar neuron

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Interneurons(also called relay neuron, association neuron, connector neuron or local circuit neuron) are multipolar neurons that connects sensory neurons to motor neurons.

The most type of neuron in the human body is?

The most common type of neuron in the human body is the multipolar neuron. These neurons have many dendrites and a single axon, allowing them to receive and transmit information from multiple sources. Multipolar neurons are found throughout the brain and spinal cord, playing a crucial role in processing and transmitting neural signals.

Why is an efferent neuron multipolar?

Efferent neuron is a neuron that regulate the action of a muscle, gland, or other effector tissue. It is a neuron which produces impulses outward from the brain or spinal cord, so its consider a multi-polar neuron.

Which type of cell is composed of one dendrite and one axon and is found in the eye and nose a. pseudo-unipolar neuron b. Schwann cell c. bipolar neuron d. multipolar neuron?

bipolar neuron