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The more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the higher the temperature.

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Q: What generalization can you make about the relationship of temperature to the amount of carbon dioxide in the air?
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What is the relationship between the amount of carbon dioxide and global temperature?

Increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is considered a factor that increase the global warming.

How do you increase the amount of carbon dioxide gas dissolved in soda?

You can increase the amount of carbon dioxide gas dissolved in soda by increasing the pressure in the sealed container or by lowering the temperature of the soda. This helps more carbon dioxide molecules to dissolve in the liquid.

What is pressure an temp relationship?

The pressure and temperature relationship is described by the ideal gas law, which states that the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature when volume and amount of gas are kept constant. This relationship can be expressed as P ∝ T, meaning that as temperature increases, pressure also increases proportionally.

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As the temperature of an object increases, the amount of radiation emitted also increases. The wavelength of the emitted radiation shifts to shorter wavelengths (higher energy) as the temperature rises, following Planck's law. This relationship is described by Wien's displacement law.

Which factors affect the rate of photosynthesis and how?

Factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis include light intensity, carbon dioxide levels, and temperature. Higher light intensity usually leads to faster photosynthesis, as does higher carbon dioxide levels. However, extremely high temperatures can inhibit the process as they can damage the enzymes involved.

How carbon dioxide fluctuate if monitored over coniferous forest stand?

How something reacts to Carbon Dioxide will depend on the amount of energy available, and the temperature of the Carbon Dioxide. Carbon Dioxide fluctuates more when it is over a coniferous forest stand.

A curve showing the relationship between temperature and time for a given amount of liquid heated a constant rate is a what curve?

The curve showing the relationship between temperature and time for a given amount of liquid heated at a constant rate is called a "heating curve." This curve is mapped out on a graph.

What is the relationship between latitude and sea surface temperature?

The oceans surface water temperature varies with the amount of solar radiation received, which is primarily a function of latitude.

When the temperature rises is there more carbon dioxide in the air?

No, when the temperature rises, the amount of carbon dioxide in the air remains the same. However, the rate at which carbon dioxide is being emitted or absorbed by the environment may be affected by temperature changes.

What will happen to the temperature of the marshmallow as it burned by the flame?

They are melted and thermally decomposed; the products are water, carbon dioxide and a small amount of ash.

What is the relationship between energy transfer and temperature change?

Energy transfer and temperature change are directly related. When energy is transferred to a substance, such as through heating, the temperature of the substance increases. The amount of temperature change depends on the amount of energy transferred and the specific heat capacity of the substance.

What are the 3 main factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis?

Light, carbon dioxide concentration, and temperature.