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Q: What general trend would you expect to find about the distribution?
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What is the definition of trends?

The word trend has a variety of definitions. In regard to fashion a trend would be a certain style that is popular during a time period. A more general sense of the word would be the inclination or tendency of something.

How many peaks would you expect for the distribution of the results of rolling a fair die 1000 times?

With 1000 rolls of a die, and each number having a probability of 1/6, I would not expect any peaks.

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to narrate the events in his or her life to the general public

Would a small deviation in an experiment mean that something is wrong with the experiment?

Not necessarily. It might mean that the experiment has a highly stable outcome. You need to evaluate if that is true or if the experiment is flawed. It comes down to theoretical expectations versus experimental outcomes - you should know a priori (before the fact) what to expect, so you can know if the results are good. For instance... If you were measuring the radioactivity of a sample with a relatively low count rate using a detector that recorded counts in each second, you would expect a poissen distribution. If you were measuring the same sample with a detector that counted for 1 minute, you would expect a more gaussian distribution. If, on the other hand, you were measuring the wavelength of a red laser, you would expect that every single observation would give you the same results, within an extremely tight distribution.

How long would a package take to get from Iowa to Missouri?

It depends upon how close to a USPS distribution center the sender and receiver are. It would typically take one business day from an Iowa distribution center to one in Missouri, but it might take a from one hour (if nearby) to two days (if the location is remote) to get to or from a distribution center. I would generally expect 2-4 business days, but modify my expectations if I know where the distribution centers are.

What is a math trend?

A trend in society is a something that many people do or have. For example if a new clothing brand is "trending" then it's popular among many people. In maths, particularly statistics and other data analysis, a trend is a pattern which is observed in the data you have. For example I could measure the time it takes me to cycle 10 miles over 6 weeks. The more I cycle, the better I get, and the less time it would take. I would expect to see a TREND in the times, since they'd go down.

How did general Hannibal surprise the Romans?

The Romans did not expect that Hannibal would attack Italy, did not expect that he would march from Spain so quickly and that he would cross the Alps in the winter, which was thought impossible. They did not expect that he would stir up a rebellion by the recently defeated Gauls of northern Italy either.

Can you record copyrighted songs for a demo you don't expect to make any money off of?

You would need a mechanical license for even limited free distribution.

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I would expect them to be a vet who treats, cures, looks after and put down etc exotic wildlife. They would need to be trained as a wildlife vet, and probably first start as a pet/general vet.

Why was 'The Lord of the Rings' filmed before 'The Hobbit'?

They did not expect that the film would be of interest to the general public and make money.

What distribution system should a manufacturer of consumer goods use?

The type of distribution system would be largely related to the marketing strategy of the company. Looking at the company as a general manufacturer of consumer goods the most likely system would be one of "selective distribution." In selective distribution the company would target their products to specific outlets where their products would best fit. Other types of distribution would be "intensive distribution" where the company would try to sell their products to as many different outlets as possible and "exclusive distribution" whereby the company would look to a very limited number of outlets that would most likely specialize in a specific niche. "Selective distribution" falls in between these two types. APEX... :) Standardization

What does trend in math terms mean?

One example of a 'Trend' would be; In a Graph if there is a point in the graph where you start to see a pattern, its sort of like a trend. But usually you have to explain it, you would have to understand all of the data to know what the actual trend is.