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Q: What gases is present in the greatest percentage in the composition of the sun?
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Which of these gases is present in the greatest percentage in the composition of the sun?

Hydrogen Thank you

Which of these gases is presnet in the greatest percentage in the composition of the sun?

Hydrogen & helium

How do you present a pie chart showing the gases in air?

To present a pie chart showing the gases in air, you can divide the chart into sections representing the percentage of each gas in the air composition. Label each section with the name of the gas and its corresponding percentage. Displaying the relative sizes of the sections will visually represent the composition of gases in air.

What are minor gases?

no one knows

Which of the following gases has the greatest percentage in the formation of atmosphere?


Whyd doesn't air have a formula?

Air is a mixture of different gases such as nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and others. Since it is a mixture, it does not have a specific chemical formula like a compound would. Instead, the composition of air is typically given as a percentage of the different gases present.

Which gases are released during dissolution of brass?

When brass is dissolved in acid, the gases released may include hydrogen gas (H2) and potentially carbon dioxide (CO2) if carbonates are present in the brass alloy. The exact composition of gases released can vary depending on the specific acid and composition of the brass.

Two gases that probably existed in Earth's early atmosphere are what?

Two gases that probably existed in Earth's early atmosphere are ammonia and methane. These gases were likely present in significant quantities before the atmosphere transformed into its current composition.

What are two most common gases in dry air and what percentage of earth's atmosphere composition does each gas make up?

The two most common gases in dry air are nitrogen (N2) at approximately 78% and oxygen (O2) at around 21% of Earth's atmosphere composition.

What is the percentage of gases in the stratosphere?

The stratosphere is composed mostly of nitrogen (about 78%) and oxygen (about 21%). Other gases present in smaller amounts include ozone, water vapor, and trace gases like helium and methane. The exact percentages can vary slightly depending on altitude and location.

What is the percentage of gases present in atmosphere in 2008?

78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% water vapor, and i forget the rest

What is the composition of a comet?

The composition of a comet is frozen gases, dust, and rocks.