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The primary gaseous byproduct of photosynthesis is oxygen (O2) so it would be in higher levels than the atmosphere further away from the surface. Even near the ocean surface, however, the gas in highest concentration is still nitrogen (N2) which makes up about 79% of the gas in the earth's atmosphere. Near the ocean surface it would probably dip to a much lower level due to the oxygen being given off by photosynthesis, but would probably still be well over 50% .

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Oxygen is the gas found in high levels near the surface of the ocean due to plant photosynthesis. Plants, including phytoplankton, produce oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis, leading to higher concentrations of oxygen near the surface where they are most abundant.

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Q: What gas is found in high levels near the surface of the ocean due to plant photosynthesis?
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Which of the gases below is found at high levels near the surface of the ocean due to plant photosynthesis?

Oxygen is found at high levels near the surface of the ocean due to plant photosynthesis. Plants in the ocean, like phytoplankton, produce oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis, leading to high concentrations of oxygen in the surface waters.

What gas is found in high levels near the the surface of the ocean due to plant photosynthesis?

Oxygen is the gas that is found in high levels near the surface of the ocean due to plant photosynthesis. Plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen as a byproduct, which enriches the water with oxygen.

Are the population of small photosynthetic organisms found near the surface of the ocean?

Yes, small photosynthetic organisms like phytoplankton are commonly found near the surface of the ocean where they can access sunlight for photosynthesis. These organisms form the base of the marine food chain and play a crucial role in marine ecosystems.

Why do phytoplankton stay at the surface of the ocean?

Phytoplankton stay at the surface of the ocean to access sunlight for photosynthesis, which is vital for their growth and survival. Being closer to the surface also allows them to take in nutrients and carbon dioxide more efficiently, which are needed for their metabolic processes.

What ocean zone do diatoms live in?

Diatoms are primarily found in the sunlit zone of the ocean, also known as the euphotic zone. This zone receives enough sunlight for photosynthesis to occur, which is essential for diatoms as they are photosynthetic organisms. They are most abundant in surface waters where sunlight penetration is optimal.

Related questions

Which of the gases below is found at high levels near the surface of the ocean due to plant photosynthesis?

Oxygen is found at high levels near the surface of the ocean due to plant photosynthesis. Plants in the ocean, like phytoplankton, produce oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis, leading to high concentrations of oxygen in the surface waters.

What gas is found in high levels near the the surface of the ocean due to plant photosynthesis?

Oxygen is the gas that is found in high levels near the surface of the ocean due to plant photosynthesis. Plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen as a byproduct, which enriches the water with oxygen.

What are sources of oxygen in ocean water?

Oxygen in ocean water mainly comes from two sources: photosynthesis by marine plants and phytoplankton, and diffusion from the atmosphere at the water's surface. Photosynthesis by marine plants produces oxygen as a byproduct, while surface diffusion replenishes oxygen levels that can be consumed by marine organisms.

Why are phytoplankton only found on the ocean surface?

Phytoplankton are primarily found on the ocean surface because they need sunlight for photosynthesis. Sunlight penetrates only the upper layers of the ocean, so phytoplankton stay near the surface to access this light. They also require nutrients that get transported to the surface through upwelling or mixing processes.

Where are currents found?

A surface current is found at the surface of the ocean caused by wind patterns.

How come most algae grow near the ocean surface?

Because they need to be close to the surface to be able to perform photosynthesis.

What zone in the ocean can photosynthesis takes place?

Photosynthesis primarily takes place in the euphotic zone of the ocean. This is the upper layer of the ocean where sunlight penetrates, allowing plants and algae to produce energy through photosynthesis.

Where do jellyfish in the ocean?

Jellyfish are found in every ocean, from the surface to the deep sea.

The name given to high surface ocean levels as a result of hurricanes?

the temporary increase in ocean levels as a direct result of a hurricanes winds is called the storm surge.

Why are phytoplankton found near the surface of ocean?

Actually not all plankton does, there are many types of plankton. Phytoplankton are the type that must be near the surface to survive because they are similar to plants in that they must be in an environment in which photosynthesis can occur.

Where in the ocean is dolphin found usually?

Underneath the surface

Why do plankton live in shallow ocean water?

They live in shallow waters because they need the easy access to the sunlight to perform photosynthesis.