Oxygen gas is released into the air during photosynthesis as a byproduct of the process.
Oxygen is the mist important as it is needed for respiration wich is the breaking down of glucose to produce energy.oxygen is the gas that is very important to the living things. ANIMALS AND US HUMANS USES THIS KIND OF GAS. The plants is needed a carbon dioxide it is also one of a gas. and thus plants is also a living organism.
Ingenhousz demonstrated that oxygen (dephlogisticated air) was produced during photosynthesis by showing that plants release this gas in the presence of light. This was different from fixed air (carbon dioxide) because plants were observed to only release oxygen in the light, suggesting a direct relationship between the presence of light and the production of oxygen.
The gas that is taken from the air and converted to glucose in photosynthesis is carbon dioxide (CO2). Through the process of photosynthesis, plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen.
Carbon Dioxide
Plants release oxygen as a waste gas.
Plants intake carbon dioxide and release oxygen.
Oxygen gas is released into the air during photosynthesis as a byproduct of the process.
Plants take in CO2 (carbon dioxide) and create and emit O2 (oxygen)Plants are an important part of the world, they help to keep us alive. The Best known gas released by plants is oxygen. They do also release carbon dioxide and water vapor.
Plants release oxygen
CO2 (carbon dioxide) is exhaled by animals and needed by plants for photosynthesis.
The plants release oxygen which is nessesary for our life on earth and they also absorb CO2 which is a green house gas and it is also a gas we don't need to stay alive.
Carbon Dioxide
Plants release oxygen into the air during transpiration.
animals and plants release carbon dioxide from respiration plants alone release oxygen from photosynthesis
Plants release oxygen gas (O2) into the atmosphere as a byproduct of photosynthesis.
Plants taken in the air we breath as carbon dioxide and release it back into the air as oxygen.