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Hydrogen is a fuel that forms only water as a byproduct when it is burned. When hydrogen reacts with oxygen during combustion, it produces water vapor as the only emission, making it a clean energy source.

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Q: What fuel forms only water as a byproduct when it is burned?
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What is the only fuel that forms water as a by-product when its burned?

Hydrogen is the only fuel that forms exclusively water when burned. Other fuels will form water in addition to other by-products such as carbon dioxide.

What is a benefit of hydrogen fuel cell that its byproduct is?

Its byproduct is water.

Does hydrogen have a byproduct?

When hydrogen is used as a fuel source in a fuel cell, the byproduct is typically water vapor. This process is known as electrochemical conversion.

Which is a byproduct of using hydrogen fuel?

Water vapor is a byproduct of using hydrogen fuel in a fuel cell, making it a clean and environmentally friendly energy source.

How can you burn h20?

Burning water (H2O) is not possible as water is the result of the combustion process, not the fuel. When substances like wood or gas are burned, they react with oxygen in the air to release heat and energy, producing water (H2O) as a byproduct.

Why combustion creates condensation?

Combustion produces water vapor as a byproduct when fuel is burned. As the hot water vapor cools down, it condenses into tiny water droplets, creating visible water droplets in the air known as condensation.

What is the byproduct of hydrogen fuel cell?

Water is the benefit of a hydrogen fuel cell ;)

What is the only byproduct of fuel cells?

The only byproduct of fuel cells is water. When hydrogen is used as fuel, it reacts with oxygen in the air to produce electricity, heat, and water vapor as the only emission.

What is only byproduct of fuel cells?

The only byproduct of fuel cells is typically water vapor, making them a clean and efficient energy source.

Which substance is not typically burned as fuel?


Which kind of fuel does a fuel cell have?

water which is an electrolyte in this case , or hydrogen in the water is used and burned

Why will there be less pollution if hydrogen is burned to a fuel?

Hydrogen combustion produces water vapor as the main byproduct, which is cleaner than the pollutants emitted from burning fossil fuels like gasoline or diesel. This results in less pollution being released into the atmosphere when hydrogen is used as fuel.