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70.71% of c.

That's about 131,721 miles per second.

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To have a mass that is twice the rest mass at relativistic speeds, you would need to travel at about 86.6% of the speed of light. This is calculated using the relativistic mass formula, which states that mass increases with velocity according to the equation: m = m0 / sqrt(1-v^2/c^2), where m is the relativistic mass, m0 is the rest mass, v is the velocity, and c is the speed of light.

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Q: What fraction of the speed of light must you travel for your mass to be twice the rest mass?
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What commercial arliner travel twice the speed of sound?

There is currently no commercial airliner which can travel at that speed.

How many times faster than the speed of sound can you travel?

The speed of sound is approximately 767 mph, so traveling at Mach 2 would be twice the speed of sound. Therefore, you would be traveling two times faster than the speed of sound.

If the octagonal mirror in the Michelson apparatus were spun at twice the speed the produced light in the eyepiece would light still be seen At 2.1 times the speed why?

At twice the speed, the produced light in the eyepiece would still be visible, as the rotating mirror is creating interference patterns that would still be detected. At 2.1 times the speed, the interference patterns would likely start to degrade, making it more difficult to observe the light in the eyepiece due to the increased motion and distortion of the patterns.

If youre in a vehicle going the speed of light what happens when you turn on the headlights?

Technically, this question is flawed, since one of the most important rules in physics is that no matter that has mass can travel at or above the speed of light (this is why scientists argue that traveling back in time is impossible) you would need extreme force and very special circumstances. However, for hypothetical purposes, lets say that you are able to reach the speed of light. When you turn on your headlights, nothing out of the ordinary will happen. You will merely see the light speed away from you at the speed of light. It would be the same as if you were standing still in your car and turned on the headlights. This is one of the must incredible things about the speed of light (c) - it is constant for everybody. Even if you were an onlooker and you somehow saw the car go by, it wouldn't happen at twice the speed of light, it would still happen at regular (c). Going further, since the speed of the light viewed doesn't change, then what does? The time. If you are able to go near the speed of light (like .9999 times), time would go more slowly for you (compared to normal, but you wouldn't notice anything. If you look at the outside world, time would appear to be traveling faster. For example, going .9999 times the speed of light, traveling for one year would actually be 70 years for anyone else. If you were able to reach the speed of light, you will have esentially stopped time, and if you were able to go faster than the speed of light, there would be an inertial frame of reference in which you would be travelling back in time. This is actually a very touchy subject, i highly recommend reading more about it. There are some very interesting videos and books by Stephen Hawking on youtube that you can watch, both about light, relativity, time travel, all of that.

What kind of airplane did Jacqueline Cochran fly to become the first female pilot to travel at twice the speed of sound?

Jacqueline Cochran flew an F-86 Sabre fighter plane in 1953-becoming the first woman to fly faster than sound. She outdid herself in 1964 when she flew faster than twice the speed of sound. In total, it is believed that Cochran set more than 200 records during her career.

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What can travel twice the speed of light?

Nothing physical is believed to be able to travel twice the speed of light.

What commercial arliner travel twice the speed of sound?

There is currently no commercial airliner which can travel at that speed.

Which commercial airliner can go twice the speed of sound?

There is currently no commercial airliner which can travel at that speed.

How fasts does a Concorde travel?

Twice the speed of sound. Mach 2 :)

Conconde flies faster than the speed of light?

Concorde is a commercial supersonic aircraft that can travel at speeds over twice the speed of sound, but it cannot fly faster than the speed of light. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, nothing with mass can reach or exceed the speed of light in a vacuum.

What is the running speed of a squirrel in a fraction?

The running speed of a squirrel is approximately 1.84 feet per second or 299.7 body lengths per second.

How fast is sin?

According to Ecclesiastes, Sin travells at twice the speed of light and half the speed of bad news.

What do you mean when you say that the Concorde can travel at mach 2?

mach 1 = the speed of sound mach 2 is twice the speed of sound and that's how fast Concorde could travel, well, mach 2.3

If you see a star and you went in a spaceship flew out to see the star closer the star is gone if you go back down to earth will the star be there?

It depends how fast you are travelling, and also how long ago the star died; assuming the star JUST died, if you travel there and back at twice the speed of light, you will see it just as it disappears, travel any slower and it will be gone when you get back.However if the star died, say, 10 light years ago, and the distance between earth and the star is 20 light years, you will have to travel at 4 times the speed of light to get back in time to see it disappear.

If gamma ray bursts give off light in all directions then this is tantamount to some thing traveling at least twice the speed of light?

I can understand how you could see the problem this way, however you are wrong, nor does the wave front of the gamma burst expand at twice the speed of light - I believe this is where your misunderstanding.Imagine a narrow gamma ray is emitted from a point source in a given direction, this wave travels at the speed of light (3x108 m/s). If a second ray is emitted exactly 180o in the opposite direction at the same time, the total distance travelled by the two seperate rays will be twice as far as an object travelling at the speed of light would travel in the same time.However this is distinct from an object travelling at the speed of light - an EM wave is synomynous with a stream of photons, each of the rays will have an individual photon at their extreme ends - these two objects have individually travelled at the speed of light to their current positions. If we now consider the two waves as a whole we could not say it had travelled nor expanded at twice the speed of light.Short answer:A gamma ray burst is not in and of itself an object - it's a term we've derived for a sudden "explosion" of photons from a centre point, each travelling at the speed of light, and the burst as a whole expanding at the speed of light in any given direction.

Why does the faster you travel the slower the time passes?

This phenomenon is known as time dilation, a concept in Einstein's theory of relativity. As you approach the speed of light, time appears to slow down relative to observers in a different frame of reference. This is due to the interplay between space and time, resulting in a distortion of our normal perception of time.

Is it true albert invent speed of light?

No, the speed of light was not invented - it's a natural phenomenon. Albert Einstein discovered the equation E=mc2. This tells us that if an object was to randomly turn into energy, the amount of energy would be equal to the objects mass multiplied by the speed of light twice.