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Q: What fossils did scientist be able to study during the neogene period?
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What period and era was a cheetah form?

Cheetahs are alive today, which puts them in the Quaternary Period in the Cenozoic Era. The oldest Cheetah fossils date to the late Neogene Period, which is also part of the Cenozoic.

What are common plants of the neogene period?

Common plants of the Neogene period included deciduous trees such as oaks, maples, and birches, as well as grasses and flowering plants that began to dominate the landscape. The period saw the diversification of plant species as the climate became cooler and drier compared to the preceding warm Cretaceous period.

What name is given to fossils that are widespread geographically?

Fossils that are widespread geographically are commonly referred to as cosmopolitan fossils. These fossils are found in multiple locations around the world, indicating a broad distribution during the time period in which they were alive.

Fossils of fish appeared approximately 500 mya during the what?

Fossils of fish appeared approximately 500 million years ago during the Cambrian period. This period saw the rapid diversification of life forms in the oceans, including the development of early fish species.

Fossil used to compare the relative ages of fossils?

Index fossils are used to compare the relative ages of fossils. These are fossils that are known to have lived during a specific time period, helping to date the rock layers in which they are found. By identifying and comparing index fossils, scientists can determine the relative ages of different rock layers and fossils.

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When did equus evolve?

In Cenozoic era , during Neogene or Quaternary period

Is the neogene apart of quaternary?

Yes, the Neogene is a geologic period that precedes the Quaternary period in the geologic time scale. The Quaternary period includes the Pleistocene and Holocene epochs, while the Neogene includes the Miocene and Pliocene epochs.

What period and era was a cheetah form?

Cheetahs are alive today, which puts them in the Quaternary Period in the Cenozoic Era. The oldest Cheetah fossils date to the late Neogene Period, which is also part of the Cenozoic.

When did the ancestral mammoths live?

The earliest known ancestors of the mammoths existed about 4.5 million years ago. This was during the late Neogene. The Neogene is the second period of the Cenozoic era.

When did ancestral mammoths live?

The earliest known ancestors of the mammoths existed about 4.5 million years ago. This was during the late Neogene. The Neogene is the second period of the Cenozoic era.

Is there any period after the Neogene period?

Yes, the Quaterny.

What time period did the first humanoid evolved?

Neogene Period

The fossils of organisms that were widely distributed but only lived during a short period of time are called?

They are called index fossils.

What animals and plants lived in the neogene period?

During the Neogene period (23 to 2.58 million years ago), many new species of animals and plants evolved, and the climate began to cool. Here are some of the notable animals and plants from this period: Animals: Mammals: Elephants: Early species like Mammuthus (mammoths). Horses: Early species such as Equus, the modern horse, evolved during this period. Big Cats: Panthera leo (early lions) and other large cats like saber-toothed cats. Giraffes: Early versions like Giraffokeryx. Cattle and Bison: Ancestors of modern bison and cattle. Primates: Early humans and their ancestors began to evolve. Marine Life: Whales: Modern baleen and toothed whales evolved during this period. Sharks: Many species of sharks similar to today's sharks appeared. Seals and Sea Lions: Early seals and sea lions began to evolve. Birds: The period saw the emergence of many modern bird groups, including flightless birds and early raptors. Reptiles: Crocodiles, turtles, and large lizards continued to thrive. Plants: Grasses: The cooling climate led to the spread of grasslands, with grasses becoming widespread and important for herbivores. Flowering Plants: Many modern flowering plants diversified during this time, including trees like oaks, maples, and willows. Conifers: Trees like pines, spruces, and firs continued to dominate in cooler climates. Tropical Plants: Rainforests with plants like palms, ferns, and flowering trees remained in warmer regions. The Neogene period was a time of significant evolution and climatic change, setting the stage for many modern ecosystems.

What are three reasons that the poleontologist have to study fossils?

Curiosity is the basic quality of a scientist. But for specific to fossils, paleontologist studies the fossils for -----Studying the anatomy and body structure of the past organisms.Establishing the evolutionary sequence of the organisms.Finding out the reservoirs of fossil fuels.Studying the climate of that particular period and the corresponding effect on organism in that period.

What era and period did the Sabre tooth cat live in?

Saber toothed cats lived during the Cenozoic era. The evolved at the beginning of the Neogene period 23 million years ago, and died out 10,000 years ago, in the early Quaternary period.

Where was ammonites dominant?

Ammonites are very common fossils from the Jurassic Period. They were dominant in the ocean during and before the Jurassic Period.