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The dark patches on the moon were once thought to be seas and are called maria (Latin for `seas`). These are not actual seas containing water but are plains formed by ancient volcanic eruptions on the lunar surface, lava.

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When ancient lava reached the moon and filled its craters, it formed dark, flat plains known as lunar maria. These maria were created by volcanic activity billions of years ago and are large, smooth areas visible on the moon's surface.

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Q: What formed when ancient lava reaches the moon and filled its craters?
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What Dark relatively flat regions of the moon's surface that were formed when interior lava filled large basins are called?

Maria, also known as lunar seas, are the dark relatively flat regions of the moon's surface that were formed when interior lava filled large basins.

What does the formation of a crater follow?

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Craters are formed by impacts from objects from space, such as meteorites.

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What geological features are formed by craters as a result of impact?

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How were craters on the moon formed?

Craters on the moon were mostly formed by impacts from meteoroids and asteroids colliding with the moon's surface. When these objects traveling at high speeds hit the moon, they create craters by excavating material from the lunar surface. Some craters may also have been caused by volcanic activity early in the moon's history.

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Why can you still see craters on the moon even though they were formed by ancient meteor collisions?

You can still see craters on the moon because there is no atmosphere to erode them away like on Earth. Since the moon lacks geological processes like weathering and plate tectonics, impacts from meteoroids have not been erased over time.

What is formed by meteorites?

impact craters

How are crates on the moon made?

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