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Q: What forces act in the same way in distant parts of the universe as in our solar system?
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What type of equipment is sent from earth to distant parts of the solar system?

The equipment that is sent from earth to distant parts of our solar system is satellites.

Is the universe expanding faster than a Boeing 747 can fly?

In fact, distant parts of the Universe are moving away from us faster than the speed of light.

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The answer is A all parts but, as this is obviously a home work question i suggest you read the link i will add below the answer in Related Source link, because you never know if your teachers is going to ask you for an example or 2.

What is Sals internal forces?

Internal forces in a system refer to forces that act within the system and do not involve external factors. These forces can include tension, compression, and shear forces that exist between different components or parts within the system. Understanding internal forces is important in the analysis of structural integrity and stability of the system.

How you know about the life in other parts of the universe?

Nothing whatsoever is know about life in other parts of the universe. It is not even known whether or not life exists anywhere outside the Solar System.

How is your solar system situated in the universe?

Because it is impossible to determine the extent of the universe because we are only aware of the parts we can see. For this reason, our solar system sits in the very middle of the Earth-visible universe. With regards to the rest of the universe, we are almost certainly nowhere near the center.

How can information can flow to and from the distant parts of the body and then back to the brain.Briefly summarize how information can flow to and from the distant parts of the body and?

The nervous system is designed to work both ways. Since the cells can only operate one way, this means that there is two complete systems.

What lists the relative sizes of parts of space from smallest to largest?

The full question is:What lists the relative sizes from smallest to largest(1) our solar system, universe, Milky Way Galaxy(2) our solar system, Milky Way Galaxy, universe(3) Milky Way Galaxy, our solar system, universe(4) Milky Way Galaxy, universe, our solar system(2) our solar system, Milky Way Galaxy, universe

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what are the four part of the universe

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the earth has four parts it is the inner core,outer core,mantle.

In whales the pelvis and femur are?

body parts inherited from a distant ancestor that have not disapeared yet.

What is a system in science?

A system is said to be closed when it doesn't interact with the outside world. This is a theoretical idea; in real systems, it is impossible to entirely eliminate contact with other parts of the Universe.