After the Big Bang, it was the force of gravity that exerted the most influence on matter. Gravity acted to pull matter together, leading to the formation of galaxies, stars, and other cosmic structures. Other forces such as electromagnetism and the strong and weak nuclear forces also played important roles in shaping the universe.
Gravity is the primary force involved in the formation of galaxies after the big bang. Over time, the gravitational attraction between matter caused it to clump together, forming structures like galaxies and clusters of galaxies.
There are two questions commonly asked:1. Is it real, or did God create the universe ex nihilo?2. Did the Big Bang create more than one universe?3. How can the big bang account for dark matter and dark energy?
Scientists believe that gravity was responsible for clumping matter together to form the first stars after the Big Bang. Gravity caused the dense regions of matter to attract more matter, which eventually led to the formation of the first stars.
Dark matter is matter that does not interact via the electromagnetic force. We don't really know what dark matter is, exactly; there are several possibilities. We know that it interacts via gravity, meaning it has mass. It may, or may not, or SOME of it may, interact via the weak force as well.
Yes, matter from the Big Bang is still moving. The expansion of the universe that began with the Big Bang is still ongoing, causing galaxies and other structures to move away from each other. This movement is evidenced by the redshift observed in the light from distant objects.
All matter. All the matter that exists emerged from the primordial cosmological state that we call the 'Big Bang'.
When Matter and anti-matter collided the Big Bang came into existence. But something still remains a mystery that how did the Matter and anti-matter come.
We have no idea what it was that exploded in the Big Bang, but it probably was NOT "matter" in the sense that we think of now.
Gravity is the primary force involved in the formation of galaxies after the big bang. Over time, the gravitational attraction between matter caused it to clump together, forming structures like galaxies and clusters of galaxies.
Why our Universe is composed almost entirely of matter, with almost no anti-matter in it.
the big bang
The spread of mass and space. The matter-antimatter collisions HAD to happen after the big bang.
Ever since the Big Bang of about 13.7 billion years ago, all matter has been moving apart from each other. Fortunately, this tendency for matter to fly apart is more than counter-acted by the force of gravity -- at least over "short" distances (like the size of a galaxy).
The big bang was the source of the matter in the universe, some of which eventually formed the earth.
According to the scientists big bang is the main reason of the creation of this universe. after the big bang only the matter space and time came into being