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Q: What force determines the motions of planets and other object in the solar system?
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Does the sun's mass control the motions of the planets?

Yes, the sun's mass is a crucial factor in controlling the motions of the planets in our solar system. The sun's gravitational force keeps the planets in orbit around it, shaping their paths and governing their speeds. The more massive an object, like the sun, the stronger its gravitational pull on surrounding objects.

Which planets' motions were described with epicycles in the Ptolemaic system?

In the Ptolemaic system, the motions of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn were described with epicycles. These epicycles were small circles that the planets were thought to move in while also orbiting the Earth on larger deferent circles.

What property determines whether an object is part of the solar system or outside the solar system?

The property that determines whether an object is part of the solar system is if it orbits the Sun. Objects within the solar system, like planets, moons, asteroids, and comets, orbit around the Sun due to its gravitational pull. Any object that does not orbit the Sun, such as stars in other solar systems or interstellar objects, would be considered outside the solar system.

Why do planets have circular and elliptical motions in the solar system?

The scientific explanation lies in Kepler's laws of planetary motions, which were discovered by Newton to be linked with the law of gravity. All the planets have elliptical orbits, and many of those are close being circular.

What controls the motions of the planets?

The motions of the planets are primarily controlled by gravity, which is the force of attraction between all masses in the universe. In our solar system, the Sun's gravitational pull governs the orbits and movements of the planets. The precise motions of the planets are also influenced by their initial velocities and the conservation of angular momentum.

What is a system of planets and other object orbiting the sun?

The Solar System

What orbits the central object of your solar system?

The Sun is the central object in the Solar System; it is orbited by planets, asteroids, meteors, dust particles, and comets.The Sun is the central object in the Solar System; it is orbited by planets, asteroids, meteors, dust particles, and comets.The Sun is the central object in the Solar System; it is orbited by planets, asteroids, meteors, dust particles, and comets.The Sun is the central object in the Solar System; it is orbited by planets, asteroids, meteors, dust particles, and comets.

What includes the sun planets and other object?

The solar system

How many ways do planets move?

Planets move in a few primary ways: rotation on their axis, which results in day and night cycles; revolution around a star, like the Sun, which determines their year length; and orbital motion within a solar system, influenced by gravitational forces. Additionally, planets may have other motions, such as precession or tidal forces, affecting their orbits.

Explain how the planets in our solar system move in relation to the sun?

Due to the sun's gravity, the planets in our solar system revolve around the sun. This revolution around the sun determines our seasons.

What forms the solar system?

Asteroids, comets, planets, the Sun and other object form the solar system

What keeps the planets and other objects in the solar system in orbit around the sun?

The gravitational force between the sun and the planets keeps them in orbit. This force acts as a centripetal force that continually pulls the planets towards the sun, keeping them in a stable orbit. The balance between the planet's velocity and the gravitational force determines the shape and size of their orbits.