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Babies need a variety of nutritious foods to support their growth and development, such as breast milk or formula for the first few months, and then introduction to pureed fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins like meat and legumes. It's important to consult with a pediatrician for guidance on the appropriate foods and timing of introduction based on the baby's age and dietary needs.

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Q: What food do babies need to help them to grow?
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Do babies need food?

Of course! babies need food. they are humans just like us and they need to eat just as much or even more than we do cause they are growing lil things.

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No, I wish they did though but your boonie can grow, but to get it to grow you need to keep giving food till 9/9 food points. When it gets over 9 then it grows and starts getting all cute clothes. But you can make it look like your boonie is having babies when you are making a movie, just make it look like its coming out of their tummy!

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Plant food can help both plants and weeds grow as it provides essential nutrients necessary for their growth and development. If you only want to nourish your desired plants, be sure to apply plant food specifically to them while minimizing its exposure to weeds. Using mulch or hand-pulling weeds can help control their growth in your garden.

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to help you grow!

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