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Q: What food can be received in stored at 41F or lower?
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How long does ready to eat tcs foods need to be stored for labling?

Ready-to-eat TCS food prepped in-house can be stored for up to 7 days if held at 41F or lower. It must be date marked if held for longer than 24 hours. The label must indicate when the food must be sold, eaten, or thrown out.

Is your body temperature normally about 41degess?

NO--a temperature of 41F degrees would mean you're dead. A normal temp is 98.6F with a range of 1 degree higher or lower.

How much is 41F in celsius?

41 degrees Fahrenheit is approximately 5 degrees Celsius. You can convert Fahrenheit to Celsius by subtracting 32 from the Fahrenheit temperature and then multiplying the result by 5/9.

What is equal to 5c?

5c is equal to 5 times c, which means 5 times any number represented by c.

What is 41F in Celsius?

41 degrees Fahrenheit = 5 degrees Celsius.

A temperature of 41faranheit is the same as in celcious?

41F is equal to 5 centigrade

Which temperatures is equal to 5C?

5°C is equal to 41°F.

I left raw steak in the car for 8 hours in 47 degree weather is the meat still ok to eat?

Yes, I think-- foods do not spoil nearly as quickly as many people think. Before refrigeration, food had to be left out and many foods that are listed nowadays as requiring refrigeration were often left out. If it does not smell bad, by all means go ahead and cook it and eat it.

When cooling down soup what is the time and temperature specification?

The parameters for safely cooling food is the same for all cooked potentially hazardous foods:Within 2 hours, cool from 135F to 70FWithin 4 hours, cool from 70F to 41F

Pathogens are likely to grow well in a meat stew that is?

between 41F and 135 F(5 C and 57 C)

What was the weather in aberdeen today?

At the time of answering this question (Friday 15th November, 2013), it is quite cool and windy and about 5C (41F).

What is the lowest temperature recorded in fort Collins Colorado?

The lowest temperature ever recorded in Fort Collins, CO is -41F (-40.5C) in February 1951.