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Responding and adjusting to the environment as well as growing and developing.

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It's genotype !! :)

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Q: What features are used to classify an organism?
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A two-word name used to classify living things is?

A Living Organism.

What key morphological feature is used to classify organism's as mammals?

Mammalae, or breasts.

How did linnaues classify organism?

He used a special method which was very efficient at classifying organisms.

What is a dichotomous key useful for?

== == A dichotomous key is used to classify a newly found organism.

What are the 6 kind of data used to classify an organism?

The six types of data used to classify an organism are morphological, anatomical, behavioral, genetic, ecological, and molecular data. These data are analyzed to determine the evolutionary relationships and classification of organisms.

What features can be used to classify areas into regions?

Features such as geographical location, climate, vegetation, land use, population density, and cultural characteristics can be used to classify areas into regions. These features help in defining the boundaries of regions and understanding the similarities and differences among them.

Definition- physical characterictics?

Physical characteristics refer to the observable features of an organism, object, or environment that can be described and measured. These characteristics include traits such as size, color, shape, texture, and other visible attributes that can be used to identify or classify the subject.

What features do repitiles have to classify as a animal?

reptiles are animals so all of their features classify. reptiles are not mammals though if that what is being asked.

What are some Physical features that are used to classify prokaryotes?

One way is that they lack a membrane-bound nuclei.