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covalent bonding? not sure on this, but have a wiki read!

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Q: What feature of atomic structure and metallic bonding makes it possible for metals to conduct electricity in the solid state?
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What is metallic bonding structure?

Metallic bonding is a type of chemical bonding that occurs between metal atoms. In metallic bonding, metal atoms share their electrons with neighboring atoms, forming a "sea" of delocalized electrons that are free to move throughout the structure. This allows metals to conduct electricity and heat efficiently, as well as have high melting and boiling points.

What will make bonding among metals possible?

Bonding among metals is possible through metallic bonding, where metal atoms share their electrons freely throughout a lattice structure. This electron delocalization allows metals to conduct electricity and heat well, as well as exhibit properties like malleability and ductility.

What are the Two requirements that metals must meet to be suitable as elements?

Metals must be good conductors of electricity and heat, and they must have a metallic luster.

What type of bonding present in AlNi?

The bonding present in AlNi is metallic bonding. This type of bonding occurs between metal atoms, where electrons are free to move throughout the structure, allowing the metal to conduct electricity and heat efficiently.

Why and how do metallic compounds conduct electricity?

Metallic compounds conduct electricity because they have delocalized electrons that are free to move throughout the structure. When a voltage is applied, these electrons can flow easily and carry the electric current. This is due to the metallic bonding in which metal atoms share their electrons in a "sea of electrons."

What type of bonding is aluminum?

Aluminum typically forms metallic bonding, where electrons are delocalized and free to move throughout the metal structure. This allows aluminum to conduct electricity and heat well.

What bonds hold copper together?

Copper atoms are held together by metallic bonds, where the outer electrons of each atom are free to move between the atoms, creating a "sea" of delocalized electrons that hold the structure together. This allows copper to conduct heat and electricity very well.

How do metallic bonding cause metals to conduct electricit current?

It conducts electricity

Is Mercury a metallic bond?

Mercury exhibits metallic bonding due to its structure where electrons are free to move throughout the metal cation lattice, creating a "sea of electrons" that hold the metal ions together. This allows mercury to conduct electricity and heat well, properties characteristic of metallic bonding.

What type of bond occur in cooper wire?

In a copper wire, metallic bonding occurs. Metallic bonding is the type of bonding where electrons are delocalized and free to move throughout the structure, giving metals their unique properties such as conductivity and malleability.

What type of bonding is Copper metal lattice?

Copper metal lattice is held together by metallic bonding. In metallic bonding, electrons are delocalized and free to move throughout the lattice, creating a structure with strong cohesive forces.

Is metallic bonding between metal and a metal?

Yes, metallic bonding occurs between atoms of metal elements. In this type of bonding, valence electrons are delocalized and move freely throughout the metal structure, creating a "sea of electrons" that holds the metal atoms together in a lattice structure.