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The most salient fact was the lack of a mechanism for heredity.

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During the mid-nineteenth century, Darwin's theory of evolution lacked understanding of the mechanisms of heredity, specifically the role of genetics and how traits are passed on from one generation to the next. Additionally, the concept of mutations as a source of genetic variation was unknown at that time. Furthermore, the scarcity of fossil evidence and the lack of understanding of Earth's geological history hindered Darwin's ability to provide a comprehensive timeline of evolutionary changes.

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Q: What facts was unavailable to Darwin's theory of evolution in the mid-nineteenth century?
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Was evolution around before natural selection?

The concept of evolution existed before the theory of natural selection. Evolution as a concept dates back to ancient Greek philosophers, while natural selection was proposed by Charles Darwin in the 19th century as a mechanism to explain how evolution occurs.

When carolus linnaeus contribute to evolution?

In the 17th century Linnaeus developed the binomial classification system for organisms that we us today in nested hierarchies of today's taxonomy.

Was Mendel's work on inheritance published after Darwins lifetime?

Yes, Gregor Mendel's groundbreaking work on inheritance was published in 1866, while Charles Darwin was still alive. However, Mendel's work went largely unnoticed until it was rediscovered and accepted by the scientific community in the early 20th century.

When was natural selection accepted?

Natural selection was formally accepted as a major mechanism of evolution in the 19th century with the publication of Charles Darwin's seminal work "On the Origin of Species" in 1859. However, the concept of natural selection was not widely accepted until later in the 20th century when more evidence in support of the theory accumulated.

When did the idea variation start?

The idea of variation has been present in scientific thought since the 18th century, particularly with the work of Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution by natural selection in the mid-19th century. Variability in living organisms had been observed long before this, but it was Darwin's explanation that gave it a more comprehensive and influential framework.

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What was Darwin's hypothesis about evolution?

Darwin's hypothesis about evolution, known as natural selection, proposed that species adapt and change over time through the process of gradual, heritable variation and differential survival and reproduction of individuals. He suggested that those individuals with traits better suited to their environment are more likely to survive and pass on their traits to future generations. This mechanism leads to the gradual accumulation of adaptations that increase a species' fitness in its environment.

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Still Rude Still Reckless Still Standing Ska's Evolution in the 21st Century - 2009 was released on: USA: 2009

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"Exploring the Influence of Specific Genes on Human Evolution"

Who made the idea of evolution famous in the nineteenth century?

Charles Darwin. he had came up with the theory.

What role did Aristotle play in the understanding of evolution?

Aristotle did not contribute to the understanding of evolution. Evolution as a scientific theory was developed in the 19th century by Charles Darwin, while Aristotle was an ancient Greek philosopher and scientist who lived in the 4th century BC. Aristotle's focus was on natural philosophy and biology but did not propose a theory of evolution as we understand it today.

When was the theory of evolution formulated?

The theory of evolution was formulated by Charles Darwin in the mid-19th century, with his seminal work "On the Origin of Species" published in 1859. Darwin proposed the concept of natural selection as the mechanism driving the process of evolution.

What has the author Thomas Junker written?

Thomas Junker has written: 'Die zweite Darwinsche Revolution' -- subject(s): Evolution, History, 20th Century, Evolution (Biology), History

Who are the people study about evolution?

Biologists, paleontologists, geneticists, and anthropologists are some of the scientists who study evolution. They analyze fossils, genetic data, and comparative anatomy to understand how species evolved over time. The theory of evolution was proposed by Charles Darwin in the 19th century, and his ideas laid the foundation for the study of evolution.

Did Darwin's theory of evolution influence Enlightenment?

No, Darwin's theory of evolution was developed after the Enlightenment period. The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement in the 17th and 18th centuries that emphasized reason, science, and individual rights. Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection was published in the 19th century and revolutionized the field of biology.

Who created the film Dragonball Evolution?

The film Dragonball Evolution was released in 2009 written by the Dragon Ball series by Akira Toriyama. The film was directed by James Wong and released by 20th Century Fox.

Was evolution around before natural selection?

The concept of evolution existed before the theory of natural selection. Evolution as a concept dates back to ancient Greek philosophers, while natural selection was proposed by Charles Darwin in the 19th century as a mechanism to explain how evolution occurs.