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Q: What existing cells is known as?
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The idea that all cells must come from pre-existing cells is known as?

The idea that all cells must come from pre-existing cells is known as cell theory. This theory states that cells are the basic unit of life and that all living organisms are composed of cells. It also proposes that cells arise from pre-existing cells through cell division.

What do cell make other cells through?

New cells are created by existing cells through the process known as cell division.

What are all cells derived from?

Existing Cells

How can cells come from existing cells?

from the cells that started

Who concluded that all cells came from existing cells?

Rudolf Virchow proposed the theory that all cells arise from pre-existing cells in 1855. This concept is known as biogenesis, which contradicted the prevailing idea of spontaneous generation.

What are the three main theories of the cell?

1) Cells are the basic unit and structure of life 2) All known living things are composed of cells 3) All cells come from pre-existing cells

All cells develop from existing cells?


All cells must come from what cells?


Where did the rest of your cells come from?

from pre-existing cells.

The idea of life can only come from previously existing life is known as what?

The idea that CELLS can come from cells is called cell theory. I have never heard of what you are talking about, except to say cells are the basic unit of life.

What does the cell theory state that all cells come from?

The cell theory states that all cells come from pre-existing cells. This means that new cells are produced through the division of existing cells.

Are all cells are produced from existing cells?

yes, always