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The exception that allows a maintenance technician to enter more than one defect within a discrepancy block on the AFTO Form 781A is when the discrepancies are minor and closely related. In such cases, the multiple defects can be grouped together within the same block for efficiency and clarity in reporting.

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Q: What exception allows a maintenance technician to enter more than one defect within a discrepancy block on the afto form 781A?
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What is the most prominent exception to the Miranda rule?

The most prominent exception to the Miranda rule is the public safety exception. This exception allows law enforcement to question a suspect without reading their Miranda rights if there is an urgent concern for public safety, such as the need to address a potential threat or prevent harm to others.

What is the inevitable discovery exception?

The inevitable discovery exception is a legal doctrine that allows evidence obtained through an illegal search or seizure to be admissible in court if the prosecution can show that in the normal course of events, the evidence would have been discovered legally. This exception is intended to prevent the suppression of evidence that would have been obtained lawfully regardless of any illegal police conduct.

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Hybridization is considered an exception to typical bonding behavior because it involves the mixing of different atomic orbitals to form new hybrid orbitals with unique shapes and energy levels. This process allows for the formation of stronger and more stable bonds than what would result from purely atomic orbitals.

Is homeostasis the quality of a plasma membrane that allows oxygen and glucose to move in?

Homeostasis refers to the maintenance of a stable internal environment in an organism. The permeability of the plasma membrane allows for the selective movement of substances like oxygen and glucose into cells to help maintain homeostasis by regulating internal conditions.

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Petrol pumps are made out of aluminum because it is lightweight, durable, and resistant to corrosion from fuels and other chemicals. It also allows for ease of manufacturing and maintenance due to its malleability and strength.

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where can i find more information about an xray technician course?

This is a great site that not only gives you information but even allows you to take classes and/or course.

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