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Q: What exanples or evidence were provided for the importance of learned behavior among the Bombe chimps?
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What invention provided evidence to support the heliocentric view?

The telescope

What is the importance of Phineas gauges accident?

Phineas Gage's accident was important because it provided insight into the relationship between brain function and behavior. His case led to the understanding that damage to specific areas of the brain can result in changes to personality and behavior, contributing to the field of neuropsychology.

What was the sigbificance of the zhouca mouda have?

The Zhoukoudian cave site in China is significant because it yielded some of the earliest evidence of human occupation in Asia, including fossilized remains of Homo erectus. These discoveries provided valuable insights into the evolution and behavior of early human species. The site also offered evidence of tool use and fire control by ancient humans.

How did scientific method influence European societies beginning in the 16th century?

It provided scientists with evidence that many traditional beliefs were incorrect. The practice of experimental testing gradually laid the foundations of our understanding of the natural world and provided the groundwork for the development of scientific theories.

American biologist who provided evidence for the endosymbiotic theory which explains the origin of chloroplasts and mitochondra?

Lynn Margulis is the American biologist known for her work on the endosymbiotic theory. She proposed that chloroplasts and mitochondria evolved from ancient prokaryotic cells that were engulfed by a host cell. Her research provided evidence supporting the idea that these organelles have their own DNA and replicate independently within eukaryotic cells.

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How do you find what evidence the DA has?

Defense counsel must be provided with evidence. If you are a spectator you must attend the trial and see for yourself what evidence is produced at trial.Defense counsel must be provided with evidence. If you are a spectator you must attend the trial and see for yourself what evidence is produced at trial.Defense counsel must be provided with evidence. If you are a spectator you must attend the trial and see for yourself what evidence is produced at trial.Defense counsel must be provided with evidence. If you are a spectator you must attend the trial and see for yourself what evidence is produced at trial.

What two types of rock provided evidence of the composition of Earths interior?

Igneous and metamorphic rocks provide evidence of the composition of Earth's interior. Igneous rocks form from the cooling of molten rock (magma), and they can provide information about the chemical composition of the mantle. Metamorphic rocks form from the transformation of existing rocks under high pressure and temperature conditions, offering insights into the conditions present deep within the Earth.

In an explanatory essay which paragraph restates the claim summarizes the evidence and explains the importance or implications of the claimthing?

The concluding paragraph of an explanatory essay typically restates the claim, summarizes the evidence provided in the body paragraphs, and explains the importance or implications of the claim. This paragraph serves to tie together the main points of the essay and leave the reader with a strong and clear understanding of the significance of the topic discussed.

How can punishment be no avail?

When no education is provided to curtail behavior.

How can punishment be of no avail?

When no education is provided to curtail behavior.

Evidence favorable to the accused that must be provided by the prosecutor to the defense attorney is called?

Exculpatory evidence

Who provided evidence for the nucleus in an atom?

Ernest Rutherford

What was the importance of Dr.. Kinsey's report?

Dr. Kinsey's report, titled "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male" and "Sexual Behavior in the Human Female," was groundbreaking as it provided a comprehensive and scientific study of human sexuality. It helped challenge misconceptions and stigma surrounding sex, promoted dialogue about sexual behavior, and paved the way for further research and discussions on human sexuality.

What is the importance of stability study in pharma?

Not in a pharma study but in all studies stability is important becouase it provide the evidence of quality and efficacy in different environmental conditions such as light, humidity, temperatures and based on this provided the retest dates....

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The importance and the freedom involves.

What invention provided evidence to support the heliocentric view?

The telescope

Who provided evidence disputing spontaneous generation?

louis pasteur