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Chromosomes contain DNA, which is the molecule that carries genetic information. Through experiments such as those done by Gregor Mendel and the discovery of the structure of DNA by Watson and Crick, it has been shown that variations in chromosomes lead to variations in inherited traits. This confirms that chromosomes indeed carry genetic information.

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Q: What evidence is there that chromosomes carry genetic information?
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Do all chromosomes carry the same information?

Yes. all cells carry out genetic information.

Difference between chromosomes and genes?

Chromosomes are structures that contain genes, which are the functional units of heredity. Genes are specific segments of DNA that encode information for producing proteins, while chromosomes are made up of DNA and protein and contain many genes. Chromosomes are organized in pairs in a cell's nucleus, while genes are the specific units on chromosomes responsible for inherited traits.

What is the chromosomes 'job'?

Chromosomes contain DNA, which carries the genetic information that determines an organism's traits. During cell division, chromosomes ensure that each new cell receives the correct amount of genetic material. Chromosomes play a crucial role in passing on hereditary information from one generation to the next.

Rod shaped bodies that carry genetic info?

The rod-shaped bodies that carry genetic information are called chromosomes. Inside cells, chromosomes are made of DNA and contain genes that provide instructions for the development, growth, and functioning of living organisms. Chromosomes are passed down from parents to offspring during reproduction.

Chromosomes are made of this material?

Chromosomes are made up of DNA and proteins. The chromosomes help to carry the genetic information throughout the body. There are 23 pairs of chromosomes in the human body.

What are the chromosomes that carry genes that determine your gender?

Genetic chromosomes

What is the structure in the cell nucleus that houses a cell's genetic information?

DNA carry information in chromosomes.They are in the nucleus.

How do you spell chorosomes?

The correct spelling of the plural noun is "chromosomes" (DNA structures that carry genetic information).

Is chomosome found in plant or animail cell?

both. chromosomes are made of dna. they carry the genetic information of the cell

Does crossing over produces chromosomes that carry genetic information from both homologous chromosomes?

Yes, crossing over during meiosis results in chromosomes that carry genetic information from both homologous chromosomes. This genetic exchange occurs between chromatids of homologous chromosomes, leading to genetic variation in the offspring.

Are there chromosomes in blood?

Yes, there are chromosomes in the white blood cells found in blood. White blood cells contain genetic material in the form of chromosomes, which carry the individual's unique DNA. These chromosomes are important for genetic testing and can provide information about a person's health and ancestry.

The genes of the hydra are found on chromosomes in the?

The genes of the hydra are found on the chromosomes in the cell nucleus. Hydras have a simple genome with a few chromosomes that carry the genetic information necessary for their development and function.